What does the word Adjured mean?

What does the word Adjured mean?

1 : to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse. 2 : to urge or advise earnestly.

Is it enure or inure?

In older printed works, the spellings inure and enure occur frequently with either meaning. Both the OED and Merriam-Webster offer enure as a variant spelling, but modern usage seems to favor inure for the sense of “habituate.” It may be useful to reserve the spelling enure for the legal term.

What is the meaning of impassivity?

adjective. without emotion; apathetic; unmoved. calm; serene. unconscious; insensible. not subject to suffering.

What is another word for Adjure?

Some common synonyms of adjure are beg, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, and supplicate.

What can I say instead of thats cool?

The ebook also contains four more words for “cool” that are not mentioned in this article.

  • Awesome. When to use it: When you’re extremely impressed with something.
  • Sweet. When to use it: When something is pleasing to you.
  • Killer. When to use it: When referring to something excellent.
  • Dope.
  • Chill.
  • Sick.
  • Bad ass.
  • Bitchin’

What is another word for discomfiture?

Words Related to discomfiture. agitation, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discomposure, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturbance, perturbation, unease, uneasiness, upset. disgrace, ignominy, shame. debasement, degradation, humiliation, mortification.

What is a good synonym for Amazing?

it was rather amazing that the store let me return the sweater after I’d worn and even washed it. Synonyms for amazing. astonishing, astounding, blindsiding, dumbfounding. (also dumfounding), eye-opening, flabbergasting,

What is another word for astonishing?

Amazing: causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness. Synonyms: astonishing, astounding, blindsiding… Antonyms: unsurprising… Find the right word.

What is the opposite of Amazing?

Near Antonyms for amazing. unimpressive, uninspiring, unremarkable. boring, dull, jading, monotonous, tedious,

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