Is MaxDiff the same as conjoint?
MaxDiff is roughly comparable to a one-attribute, multi-level Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) exercise. The biggest difference between conjoint analysis and MaxDiff is that in conjoint analysis, the rating or choice of a concept is based on the SUM TOTAL of its components (the items conjoined).
Is MaxDiff conjoint analysis?
MaxDiff is a statistical relative of conjoint analysis. It derives its name from “maximum difference” scaling, also called best-worst scaling. Traditionally, MaxDiff treats each product as an individual item, whilst conjoint treats products as a combination of attribute levels.
What is MaxDiff analysis?
Definition: MaxDiff analysis, also known as the best-worst scaling is an analytic approach used to gauge survey respondents preference score for different items. Researchers ask the respondents to pick the most and least important factors in given answer options.
Is MaxDiff a discrete choice?
You may have seen or used conjoint or maxdiff analysis in the past — both of which can be considered forms of discrete choice models, at least as how they are normally applied to product pricing/packaging problems.
How do I do a MaxDiff analysis in Excel?
XLSTAT allows you to create sets of attributes to be compared by the respondents. A design of experiments method is used. Once XLSTAT is started, click on the CJT icon and choose the Designs for MaxDiff analysis feature. Once the button is clicked, the dialog box appears.
How do you do a MaxDiff analysis?
To create a MaxDiff survey, create a survey as normal, and then add a MaxDiff question where you see fit. You can add an unlimited amount of attributes for respondents to evaluate.
How do you analyze MaxDiff data?
The simplest way to analyze MaxDiff data is to count up how many people selected each alternative as being most preferred. The table below shows the scores. Apple is best. Google is second best.
How do you create a MaxDiff survey?
How to Create a MaxDiff Experimental Design in Q
- In Q, select Create > Marketing > Max-Diff > Experimental Design.
- Specify the number of Alternatives in the study.
- Specify the number of Alternatives per question.
- Specify the number of Questions to ask.
- Specify the number of Versions to ask.
How many items are in a MaxDiff?
Generally, we recommend displaying either four or five items at a time (per set or question) in MaxDiff questionnaires. However, we do not recommend displaying more than half as many items as there are items in your study.