How long does Kinokuniya shipping take?

How long does Kinokuniya shipping take?

1 to 3 working days
We usually ship out within 1 to 3 working days. This item is currently out of stock at the fulfillment center. We will receive it from our U.S. suppliers and ship the items within 7 – 10 business days. We will do our best to fulfill your order, but depending on stock availability, your order may be cancelled.

How do I check my Kinokuniya stock?

You can check for book availability status at the Book Details page (just click on the book title to get there if you are at the Search result page). The Store Stock Status (click on the drop down arrow to display store Store Stock Status) will display which store the book is available at, and the shelf location.

Does Kinokuniya have free shipping?

Free Shipping on $50+ orders Orders totaling more than $50 ( before tax) qualify for Free Shipping within the United States.

Does Kinokuniya Japan ship worldwide?

Shipping: International delivery orders are packaged in Japan and will be shipped to your home address. Shipping charges will be an additional $8, but we offer Free Shipping for all orders over $50 (before tax).

Can I return Kinokuniya Books?

Can I exchange or refund a book I have bought? A. We will gladly exchange or issue a credit voucher in store within 30 days of purchase with receipt for proof of purchase. All goods must be in original condition including shrink wrapping.

Does Kinokuniya take returns?

Returns or exchanges must be initiated within 30 days of purchase. All returned items must be in original condition; shrink-wrapped products must be unopened and tags must be attached. Kinokuniya USA reserves the right to decline exchange or return requests if the product has been used, opened, or in question.

Can Kinokuniya vouchers be used online?

You can use a Kinokuniya Gift Card to pay for your online purchase, except for in-store pickup orders. To use your Gift Card online, please enter all the numbers (including BID and CVV) on the back of the Gift Card in the “Delivery Memo” section while checking out.

Does Kinokuniya sell ebooks?

“Kinoppy’s convenient functions, such as full-text search, highlighting, note-making, and the ability to read on up to five devices, are available for English-language ebooks, as they are for Japanese books.”

How expensive is Kinokuniya?

They cost about twice what most American books go for at about $50 each. But the store is replete with manga Japanese comic books, which have caused quite a sensation in the American market.

How many Kinokuniya are there in the US?

With 12 stores and counting, Japanese bookseller Kinokuniya is slowly expanding its footprint in the U.S. The most recently opened locations are in Texas.

Can I cancel my order in Kinokuniya?

If the item is still in Order Confirmed status, you may cancel the item. Please contact us for further assistance. Once your order status has changed to “Order Placed”, it cannot be modified or canceled.

How old do you need to be to work at Kinokuniya?

Kinokuniya Jobs You must be minimum 18 years old to apply Kinokuniya.

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