Can tamoxifen cause prolapse?

Can tamoxifen cause prolapse?

Seventy-five percent of the patients who received raloxifene and 60% of the patients who received tamoxifen had increases in prolapse by any measure (ie, pelvic organ prolapse quantitation or cotton swab or clinical assessment) compared with 18% of the patients in the placebo group and 22% of the patients in the …

How do you treat vaginal vault prolapse?

Surgery is the primary treatment for vaginal vault prolapse, although pelvic floor exercises and pessary rings can be helpful to women for whom surgery is not an option. Surgery involves methods to rebuild the supporting structures of the upper vagina and to mediate symptoms.

What does a urethral prolapse feel like?

a feeling of fullness or pressure in the pelvic and vaginal area. aching discomfort in the pelvic area. urinary problems, such as stress incontinence, being unable to empty the bladder, and frequent urination. painful sex.

Can Kegels reverse vaginal prolapse?

When you have pelvic organ prolapse, your pelvic organs — your bladder, uterus, and rectum — are weak. They can drop down toward your vagina. Kegels can help make those muscles stronger and keep your prolapse from getting worse.

Does tamoxifen affect the vagina?

Tamoxifen acts as an antagonist to estrogen positive breast cancer cells, although it often acts as an agonist to α estrogen receptors in the vagina. Hence tamoxifen provides a quasi-estrogenic effect on the vulva and vagina and increases vaginal secretions without the presence of estrogen [44].

Do tamoxifen side effects get worse over time?

“There is a subset of women who report this mental fog while on tamoxifen. Often, this improves over time. They initially experience this very noticeable side effect, but then it improves. We often tell women to try to stick it out because it may get better,” said Dr.

How do I know if my prolapse is severe?

Signs and symptoms of moderate to severe uterine prolapse include:

  1. Sensation of heaviness or pulling in your pelvis.
  2. Tissue protruding from your vagina.
  3. Urinary problems, such as urine leakage (incontinence) or urine retention.
  4. Trouble having a bowel movement.

Is urethral prolapse serious?

If the urethral prolapse is large, the mucosal mass may become strangulated, which results in venous obstruction, thrombosis, and necrosis of the prolapsed tissue. Patients with strangulated urethral prolapse may present with suprapubic pain, dysuria, hematuria, and urethral bleeding.

Can you use vaginal estrogen with tamoxifen?

It is therefore possible that the combination of vaginal estrogens and tamoxifen might provide a short-term interval option for women wishing to treat severe atrophic vaginitis, followed by a return to their usual AI therapy.

What is a vaginal prolapse and how does it occur?

Vaginal prolapse can occur when the muscles and ligaments in your pelvis become weakened, resulting in tissue that protrudes from your vagina because it is unable to be properly held in place. Needless to say, having a vaginal prolapse can be a significant concern, both cosmetically and functionally.

Is posterior vaginal prolapse painful?

If a posterior vaginal prolapse is large, it may create a noticeable bulge of tissue through the vaginal opening. This bulge may be uncomfortable, but it’s rarely painful. If needed, self-care measures and other nonsurgical options are often effective.

How can I reduce the risk of posterior vaginal prolapse?

Extra body weight places stress on pelvic floor tissues. To reduce your risk of worsening posterior vaginal prolapse, try to: Perform Kegel exercises regularly. These exercises can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles — especially important after you have a baby. Treat and prevent constipation.

What is apical prolapse and what are the symptoms?

Apical prolapse (vaginal vault prolapse) is when the cervix or upper part of the vagina falls down into the vagina. What are the symptoms? Often women don’t have any symptoms from vaginal prolapse. If you do have symptoms, your symptoms will depend on the organ that is prolapsed.

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