What magazine does the Hi-Point carbine use?

What magazine does the Hi-Point carbine use?

Developed during the now-defunct 1994 Federal assault weapons ban, the Hi-Point carbine comes with a ten-round magazine that fits into the pistol grip.

Is the Hi-Point C9 a good gun?

For those people who don’t have better options and are short on cash, Hi-Point’s C9 might be a lifesaver. You can’t go wrong with a reliable 8+1 9mm, plus you get a decent Galco holster right with the gun. Further, the C9 is so inexpensive you’ll have plenty of money left over to buy practice ammo.

Are Hi-Point Carbines legal?

Hi-Point Firearms. New Your Hi-Point fans! If this new legislation is finalized then yes the Hi-Point carbine will become an illegal firearm because it has a pistol grip.

Why is hi-point so bad?

Q: Why does Hi-Point Firearms have a bad name? A: They are actually headquartered and manufacture near where I live. – Gun “snobs” and enthusiasts don’t like that they’re incredibly inexpensive, but they’re also cheaply made guns, using imprecise methods to manufacture them, with poor finishes, and are really heavy.

Are Hi Points legal in California?

MKS Supply, Inc., Dayton, OH–July 2018- Hi-Point carbines are now legal in California again! The California legislature’s NEW firearm restrictions now make pistol grip carbines illegal there.

What kind of magazines should I use with my Hi-Point pistol?

Stick to Hi-Point factory magazines for maximum performance and reliability. Grab a few spare magazines for your Hi-Point pistols today! Our price is lower than the manufacturer’s “minimum advertised price.”

What kind of magazine is Hihi point 40 JCP?

Hi-Point® 40 JCP 10 round magazines. Magazine is stamped “40″ or “10mm/40S&W” with Green float. Built for reliable service.

What kind of mag do you use for a hipoint 995?

Hi-Point 20 Round Extended Mag for the Hi-Point 995TS 9mm Rifle, by RedBall Sports. Hi-Point 20 Round Extended Mag for the Hi-Point 4595TS .45 ACP Rifle, by RedBall Sports.

What kind of gun is a 40 S&W 10 round magazine?

Hi-Point JCP40, 4095TS .40 S&W 10-Round Magazine Brand: Hi-Point Firearms UPC: 752334003409 Caliber: 40 S&W Capacity: 10-Round Material: Steel

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