Is Garrus Renegade or Paragon?

Is Garrus Renegade or Paragon?

Depending on your choices in conversations with Garrus and his personal assignment, Garrus will have a more Renegade or Paragon streak. This change in Garrus’s nature will carry over into Mass Effect 2, so it’s worth ensuring that you guide your turian squadmate down the path you want him to follow.

Is it better to play Renegade or Paragon?

Is it better to play Paragon or Renegade? The short answer is that Paragon is usually better. For the majority of players, it will be the best choice, by far, to (almost) always favor the blue answers in all situations and to seek peaceful solutions as often as possible.

What is the difference between Paragon and Renegade?

Paragon Interrupts are often altruistic, compassionate and understanding actions, while Renegade Interrupts are abrasive, violent and commanding.

Why is Garrus so popular?

Why Mass Effect’s Garrus Vakarian Is So Popular He comes to see Shepard as a mentor of sorts, with Garrus’ personality being greatly affected by player choices throughout the trilogy. This sort of molding may be a large part of why Garrus has become so popular – because he frequently mirrors the player’s character.

Can you be both Renegade and Paragon?

Outside of exploits, its impossible to max both paragon and renegade in ME2 or 3, but you can max the skills in ME1 via new game +. Currently, there are no known ways to max both in ME3, but it becomes less necessary as in ME3 your total rep can contribute to speech unlock checks rather than individual levels.

Does Paragon or Renegade matter Mass Effect?

In Mass Effect 3, whenever there’s a mission with no major decision, you will get Reputation points that add to your overall score but don’t carry a Paragon or Renegade flavor. The bar on your screen will grow, but the Paragon/Renegade ratio will remain unchanged.

Can I be both Renegade and Paragon?

Does Paragon and Renegade matter in ME3?

In Mass Effect 3, your Reputation score determines both Charm and Intimidate options, and that score is determined by adding your Paragon and Renegade scores together.

What’s the difference between Garrus’ Paragon and Renegade styles?

On a large scale, the big difference between Garrus’ Paragon and Renegade styles is that with the former he’s focused on protecting lives no matter what, while with the latter he’s focused on serving justice.

Should you choose Paragon or Renegade in Mass Effect Andromeda?

As far as personality goes, paragon and renegade are the two main options. Commander Shepard can get the job done either way, but players might have a distinct preference between paragon and renegade, and the story will unfold in startling ways depending on which the player chooses.

Is Commander Shepard a paragon or renegade?

Commander Shepard can be either a noble paragon or a vicious renegade, and choosing one over the other makes all the difference in the galaxy. The original Mass Effect game trilogy features Commander Shepard as its star, the hero of the human Systems Alliance navy and the first-ever human Spectre.

Why do people like Paragon Shepard so much?

A substantial percentage of Mass Effect players favor paragon Shepard, perhaps because they found renegade Shepard’s antagonism repulsive or they felt that renegade Shepard was doing more harm than good in the lore. It seems that having a stellar personality counts for a lot, even with the galaxy at war.

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