What is a sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern?
SINUSOIDAL PATTERN It is also characterized by a stable baseline heart rate of 120 to 160 bpm and absent beat-to-beat variability. It indicates severe fetal anemia, as occurs in cases of Rh disease or severe hypoxia.
What does sinusoidal pattern indicate?
A sinusoidal pattern has regular amplitude and frequency and is excluded in the definition of variability. A sinusoidal pattern has a smooth, undulating pattern, lasting at least 10 minutes with a fixed period of three to five cycles per minute and an amplitude of 5-15 bpm.
What causes fetal sinusoidal pattern?
FETAL CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SHR PATTERN: SHR pattern has been reported with the following fetal conditions: (1) severe fetal anemia of several etiologies; (2) effects of drugs, particularly narcotics; (3) fetal asphyxia/hypoxia; (4) fetal infection; (5) fetal cardiac anomalies; (6) fetal sleep cycles; and (7) …
What is sinusoidal pattern on CTG?
A sinusoidal pattern is an oscillating pattern which is typically smooth and regular. It has a relatively fixed period of 2-5 cycles per minute and has an amplitude of between 5 and 15 bpm around the baseline rate. Baseline variability is absent and there are no accelerations.
What is Pseudosinusoidal fetal heart rate?
Pseudo-sinusoidal fetal heart rate (pseudo-SHR) pattern, characterised by intermittent episodes of sinusoidal heart rate and normal fetal heart rate (FHR), is considered benign although its pathophysiologic mechanism remains obscure.
Why is it important to record the fetal heart tones?
The main purpose of fetal heart rate monitoring is to alert us if your baby is not getting enough oxygen. We want your baby to come through labor and delivery as smoothly as possible. We don’t want the stress of labor to threaten an infant’s health.
What causes sinusoidal fetal heart rate?
Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern (FHR) is regarded by most authors as signifying a compromised fetus. In most cases, this is secondary to fetal anemia of different causes, usually Rh isoimmunization, more rarely to fetomaternal transfusion, bleeding vasa previa, placental chorioangioma, or traumatic amniocentesis.
How long does a sinusoidal pattern last?
These authors noted that SHR pattern appeared approximately 19 min following alphaprodine administration and persisted for approximately 60 min. All infants were delivered with normal 5-minute Apgar scores without any perinatal deaths. In 27 cases of sinusoidal FHR pattern during labor, Ayromlooi et al.
What is pseudo sinusoidal?
What is pseudo-sinusoidal pattern?
Why is it important to monitor the development of a fetus?
This is often done during prenatal visits to count the fetal heart rate. Fetal monitoring may also help show problems in the baby during late pregnancy and labor. It can show if other testing or a C-section may be needed.
What does a sinusoidal pattern indicate?
sinusoidal pattern. An abnormal fetal heart rate finding in which the monitor records a consistent rhythmic, uniform, undulating wave. Although the number of beats per minute is within normal limits and the recording shows long-term variability, beat-to-beat variability is absent and no accelerations in heart rate occur with fetal movement.
What are the signs of a reassuring fetal heart rate pattern?
So reassuring FHR patterns include a baseline FHR in the normal range of 110-160 bpm, moderate variability, accelerations with fetal movement, and the absence of nonreassuring signs. These are things that are good to see in a fetus’s heart rate pattern and are positive signs of good health.
What does sinusoidal fetal heart rate mean?
Abstract. Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern (FHR) is regarded by most authors as signifying a compromised fetus. In most cases, this is secondary to fetal anemia of different causes, usually Rh isoimmunization, more rarely to fetomaternal transfusion, bleeding vasa previa, placental chorioangioma, or traumatic amniocentesis.
What does sinusoidal FHR mean?
Definition of sinusoidal. : of, relating to, shaped like, or varying according to a sine curve or sine wave sinusoidal motion sinusoidal alternating current sinusoidal grooves.