What is opposite to a benefit?

What is opposite to a benefit?

Opposite of an advantage or profit gained from something. disadvantage. downside. drawback. detriment.

What is a synonym and antonym for benefit?

benefitnoun. Antonyms: detriment, encumbrance, malefic, hindrance, obstacle, nuisance, disadvantage. Synonyms: help, batten, aid, subsidy, assistance, boon, foredeal, advantage.

What is the opposite of benefiting from something?

burden; damage; deficit; disability; disadvantage; detriment; downside; drag, drawback; encumbrance; hindrance; obstacle.

What is Contraryview?

adjective. Ideas, attitudes, or reactions that are contrary to each other are completely different from each other.

What is another word for not benefit?

What is another word for of no benefit?

worthless valueless
not worth a hill of beans unsuccessful
inefficacious idle
abortive otiose
purposeless hopeless

What is contrary character?

adjective. opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.

Is non beneficial a word?

Not beneficial; that produces no benefit.

What is the opposite of benefit?

constraint, inhibitor, liability, obstacle, obstruction, restraint, stranglehold. Antonyms of benefit. disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus. 2 something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing. the meal service is a great benefit to invalids and the elderly.

What is the meaning of the word benefit?

benefit. verb. Synonyms & Antonyms of benefit (Entry 2 of 2) to provide with something useful or desirable. his summer internship benefited him in two ways: by giving him some tuition funds and by offering vital work experience.

What is the opposite of ▀benefit ▁?

Antonyms for benefit include disadvantage, downside, drawback, detriment, impediment, inconvenience, minus, shortcoming, weakness and catch. Find more opposite words

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