What are the four types of love according to CS Lewis?

What are the four types of love according to CS Lewis?

In his remaining four chapters, Lewis treats love under four categories (“the highest does not stand without the lowest”), based in part on the four Greek words for love: affection, friendship, eros, and charity.

What does CS Lewis say about affection?

“Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our natural lives.”

What does CS Lewis say about love?

“Love is not an affectionate feeling,” says Lewis, “but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.”[15] When we are “self-forgetful” and delight in loving others with a love that seeks to obey God and that lays its life down for other people, this results in growing the kingdom of …

What is the highest kind of love at which we should aim?

Philia is the highest form of love because it is a two-way road, unlike eros and agape.

What’s the difference between agape love and Phileo love?

The first two times, the Bible uses the ‘agape’ form of love, which is understood to be a general meaning of the word. But the third time that Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, He uses ‘phileo,’ which speaks of affection, fondness and liking the other. This love is companionable and relational.

What is affection according to Lewis?

Affection covers an array of loves. Like animals, the care of mother to babe is a picture of affection. It relies on the expected and the familiar. Lewis describes it as humble. “Affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives,” he says.

What is affection in a relationship?

Affection can sit alongside other loves and often does. For example, when a man and woman fall in love it is often because of certain affections – a particular location, experience, personality, interest – that begin to wrap around the couple so to make love an expected and familiar part of their shared lives.

What is love according to Lewis?

It’s the familiarity of, “the people with whom you are thrown together in the family, the college, the mess, the ship, the religious house,” says Lewis. The affection for the people always around us, in the normal day-to-day of life, is the majority of the love we experience, even if we don’t label it.

What does affection look like in real life?

“Affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives,” he says. “It lives with humble, un-dress, private things; soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the thump of a sleepy dog’s tail on the kitchen floor, the sound of a sewing-machine…” Affection can sit alongside other loves and often does.

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