What is the language code for Japan?

What is the language code for Japan?

ISO Language Code Table

Code Name
ja Japanese
ja-JP Japanese (Japan)
ka Georgian
ka-GE Georgian (Georgia)

What language code is Zho?

Search Results

ISO 639-2 Language Code ISO 639-1 Language Code English name of Language
chi/zho zh Chinese

What is zh CN language code?

zh-cn. Chinese (Hong Kong)

What language code is SV?

Swedish language, ISO 639-1 language code sv.

What country does EL stand for?

1. COUNTRIES: names, codes and protocol order. The names of the Member States of the European Union must always be written and abbreviated according to the following rules. — The two-letter ISO code should be used (ISO 3166 alpha-2), except for Greece, for which the abbreviation EL is recommended.

How many ISO languages are there?

Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code There are 21 languages that have alternative codes for bibliographic or terminology purposes.

Do they use simplified Chinese in Hong Kong?

Education. In general, schools in Mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore use simplified characters exclusively, while schools in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan use traditional characters exclusively.

What is the language code for Chinese?

Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code

ISO 639-2 Code ISO 639-1 Code English name of Language
chg Chagatai
chi (B) zho (T) zh Chinese
chk Chuukese
chm Mari

Is zh CN simplified or traditional?


Variant’s name Chinese name ISO
Simplified 简体 zh-Hans
Traditional 繁體 zh-Hant
Simplified and using Mainland Chinese terms 大陆简体 zh-CN
Traditional and using Taiwanese terms 臺灣正體 zh-TW

What is BCP 47?

BCP 47 Language Tags is the Internet Best Current Practices (BCP) for language tags. The purpose of these language tags is to establish codes to help identify languages both spoken and written. A language tag is composed of a sequence of one or more subtags such as language, region, variant and script subtags.

What language code is RS?

Serbia and Montenegro (CS, SCG, 891) was divided into Serbia (RS, SRB, 688), and Montenegro (ME, MNE, 499). See code element CSXX….Code source.

3166-2 code RS-KM*
Subdivision name Kosovo-Metohija
Language code sr
Romanization system UN III/11 1977

What is en_US?

More than one locale can be associated with a particular language, which allows for regional differences. For example, an English-speaking user in the United States can select the en_US. A single locale can have more than one locale name. For example, POSIX is the same locale as C.

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