How do you say 12 months in German?

How do you say 12 months in German?

German Months of the year

  1. Januar (yah-noo-ahr) – January.
  2. Februar ( fay-broo-ahr) – February.
  3. März (mehrtz) – March.
  4. April (ah-pril) – April.
  5. Mai (my) – May.
  6. Juni (yoo-nee) – June.
  7. Juli (yoo-lee) – July.
  8. August (ow-goost) – August.

What comes after Samstag?

Lesson Summary In this lesson we have learned the German Wochentage (days of the week). These are Sonntag (Sunday), Montag (Monday), Dienstag (Tuesday), Mittwoch (Wednesday), Donnerstag (Thursday), Freitag (Friday), and Sonnabend or Samstag (Saturday).

What is the German date format?

Date Formats

Locale Convention Example
German yyyy-mm-dd 1999-09-18
Italian 13.08.98
Norwegian 13.08.98
Spanish dd-mm-yy 13-08-98

What is November in German?

How to Say Months of the Year in German

English German How to pronounce the months in German
September September zehp-tehm-ber
October Oktober ok-toh-ber
November November no-vehm-ber
December Dezember deh-tsem-ber

Why is Samstag called Samstag?

The word Samstag has its origins in the Old High German Sambatztag meaning Sabbath day – the day of rest. It is also related to the god Saturn, hence Saturday in English.

What does Dienstag mean?

(For more details, click/tap on the translation) Tuesday. Tuesday. Dienstag.

What date format is DD MMM YY?

Date/Time Formats

Format Description
DD/MMM/YYYY Two-digit day, separator, three-letter abbreviation of the month, separator, four-digit year (example: 25/JUL/2003)
MMM/DD/YYYY Three-letter abbreviation of the month, separator, two-digit day, separator, four-digit year (example: JUL/25/2003)

What is the time and date in Germany?

Current Local Time in Locations in Germany with Links for More Information (575 Locations)
Bergkamen Thu 12:10 am
Berlin Thu 12:10 am
Bernau bei Berlin Thu 12:10 am
Bernburg (Saale) Thu 12:10 am

How do u say Happy Birthday in German?

Spoken Birthday Expressions

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! > Happy birthday!
  2. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! > Have a good birthday!
  3. All das Beste zum Geburtstag! > All the best on your birthday!
  4. Viel Glück zum Geburtstag! >
  5. Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrem 40/50/60 etc. >
  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich. >

What is German word for old?

Cross Translation:

From To
• old → alt
• old → antik; alt; altertümlich; uralt; altmodisch
• old → alt; bejahrt; betagt; abgelebt; baufällig; gebrechlich; hinfällig
• old → alt

When do summer holidays start and end in Germany?

The earliest summer holidays begin in the middle of June, and the latest ones end in the middle of September. In all states (except Berlin, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Bavaria ), German schools and international schools are given the power to set several days of extra holiday per year, as they see fit.

What is the difference between days and months in German?

In German the days and months are ordinal numbers but the years are cardinal. You have to keep in mind that ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives: The way to read the year is different if the year is before 2000 or after: If the year is before 2000, it is read in an interesting way.

What is the correct way to write dates in German?

Note that numbered dates in German (and in all of the European languages) are always written in the order of the day, month, year—rather than the month, day, year. For example, in German, the date 1/6/01 would be written 6.1.01 (which is Epiphany or Three Kings, the 6th of January 2001).

What is the separating symbol between the months in German?

The separating symbol between the month, year and day in English is the slash “/” and in German it is the period “.”. The months in German are written with a capital letter (Februar) like in English.

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