What tangs are compatible with each other?

What tangs are compatible with each other?

Tang’s are most territorial to fish that have the same shape as themselves. You will likely have quite simple success with 3 or 4 fish that have a different body/face shape. For example, a Regal Tang, Orange Shoulder Tang & a yellow Tang will often get along just fine with minimal intervention.

Is sailfin Tang aggressive?

Sailfin Tangs (Zebrasoma veliferum) combine beauty, personality, and size into the perfect reef tank addition. They aren’t quite as aggressive as other members in the tang family, though they WILL establish their territories.

Will tangs kill each other?

Active Member. As they get adapted to the tank they will try to establish their own territory. One will end up left and the other two will be killed.

Do sailfin tangs and yellow tangs get along?

Active Member My experience is the 3 yellow tangs might get along with the sailfin, it just depends on individual personalities. They will probably all get along for a while as long as there are enough sleeping places and plenty of veggies for them.

Can I keep 2 yellow tangs together?

This is not likely to work for most people. If it does, it’s very likely to be temporary… I’ve kept lots of zebrasoma together but never just two unless they’re different species and mixed amongst many other tangs, to spread aggression.

Is a sailfin Tang Reef Safe?

Although they are generally reef safe, they sometimes can pick at clam mantels or LPS corals with soft tissues. They should not be kept with other Sailfin tangs or other tangs that will look similar to the Sailfin such as yellow tangs for example.

Are sailfin tangs active?

Sailfin tangs are quite active swimmers. They like their aquatic environment filled with corals and reefs. Unlike some other surgeonfishes and tangs, the Sailfin tangs are very peaceful.

Do purple tangs go to school?

Purples tend to be argumentative. All the type are. Schooling doesn’t tend to happen in tanks, with most species: it’s usually driven by the hunt for food or the fear of a predator. Anthias would be a better bet for fish that would travel together.

Is yellow tang aggressive?

The yellow tang is one of the most popular fish in a saltwater aquarium. It’s important to be aware, however, that yellow tang can be aggressive, are prone to the fish disease called “ich,” and may damage coral in your reef tank.

Do butterfly fish and tangs get along?

It is not definite that the Yellow Tang will harass your butterfly but it is a good chance. My Purple Tang harassed my Longnose Butterflyfish for about a week before he gave up and they both get along fine now. So, you might be able to mix a butterflyfish with the tang but I would not put a Copperband in though.

How aggressive are the yellow tang and the Regal?

At first, the yellow tang tried to bully the regal, then things calmed down with very little aggression at all. Now, it seems the tables have turned and the yellow tang defers to the regal tang. The regal is not very aggressive but appears to be in charge. The worst I’ve ever seen is infrequent, minor fin nipping.

How do I Keep my Tang from attacking my new fish?

5) Mirrors placed in the corner of the tank. For a very aggressive tang, sometimes a mirror placed in the corners will keep the fish flashing and attacking itself rather than harassing a new addition. I’ve personally never done this but have heard of some limited success.

How do I know if my tangs will get along?

Occasional chasing, flaring fins, circling each other, or swiping motions that are clearly a dominance display rather than a true attempt at puncturing the other fish should be noted but are common in a tank mixed with territorial herbivores. With all of this in mind, your existing tangs are not going to be welcoming.

How do I get my Tang to stop being aggressive?

Add larger less aggressive tangs than your most aggressive tang to intimidate it. Again some may not be intimidated… particularly PBT. Adding smaller tangs may make sense because the existing tang may see them as LESS of a threat for dominance in the pecking order (but still a threat to its food sources…)

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