What is the most serious complication of pelvic fracture?

What is the most serious complication of pelvic fracture?

The biggest long term complication of a broken pelvis is the development of arthritis. The main reason doctors operate on these fractures is that they know from past experience that if they leave the fractures in a poor position, although they will often heal, arthritis may follow within five years.

What complications can arise due to a fracture pelvis?

Severe injuries to the pelvis that involve several breaks can be life-threatening. Shock, extensive internal bleeding and internal organs damage may be involved. The immediate goal is to control bleeding and stabilize the injured person’s condition.

What is the most common injury following pelvic fracture?

The spleen, liver and kidney were the most frequently injured organs (58.9%), followed by urogenital lesions (46.6%), nerve injuries (25.6%) and vascular lesions (15.3%). The most common extrapelvic lesions were thoracic injuries in 56.4% and severe head injuries (GCS < 8) in 33.3%.

What organ can be damaged by a fractured pelvis?

Causes of Pelvic Fractures These fractures can cause life-threatening bleeding, whether the skin is broken or not. Dangerously low blood pressure (shock. Blood pressure is usually low… read more ) can result. Also nearby nerves and organs, such as the bladder, reproductive organs, and intestine, may be damaged.

What nerve damage occurred after the pelvic bones fracture?

Fractures of the pubic ramus at the superolateral aspect of the obturator foramen may cause obturator nerve injury. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injuries also may occur as a result of a direct blow to the lateral pelvic region in proximity to the anterior superior iliac spine and fracture displacement of this area.

Can pelvic fracture cause nerve damage?

Conclusions: Hip and pelvic fractures can result in sciatic nerve injury, especially common peroneal nerve injury and prognosis is poor. Open reduction and internal fixation combined with nerve exploration and neurolysis should be used as early as possible for severe sciatic pain.

Can a pelvic fracture get worse?

Pelvic stress fractures are caused by repeated stresses to the bone, usually due to sport. They usually affect the pubic bone and cause exercise-related pain which gets gradually worse, but they do not usually prevent exercise.

Is walking good for fractured pelvis?

While your pelvis heals, you will need to keep weight off the hips. Once you are able to walk, a walker or crutches can help you get around. You can help your pelvis heal with care at home. Your doctor may prescribe medicine to relieve pain and prevent blood clots.

Can a fractured pelvis cause pain years later?

Patients with stable pelvic fractures had persisting disability in 54% of cases, which was mild in 42% and moderate or severe in 12% of patients. In patients with stable pelvic fractures 54% had chronic pain, which was mild in 24% of patients and moderate or severe in 30% of patients.

How long does it take to walk after a pelvic fracture?

After pelvic fracture surgery, patients are not allowed to bear weight or walk for six to 10 weeks. You will be taught by physical therapy to use crutches or a walker before leaving the hospital. Your doctor may decide to put you on a blood thinner after surgery for 2-6 weeks depending on your risk factors.

What are the possible complications of perineal wound injury?

All perineal wound-related complications, including infection, dehiscence, deep and pelvic abscess, bleeding, and persistent sinus drainage, during follow-up were also recorded. Patients were followed-up with at the outpatient department at 2-week intervals until complete healing of the perineal wound.

How is perineal evisceration prevented in pelvic fractures?

The use of omental pedicle flaps and the uterus to fill the pelvic dead space at time of APR may help to prevent evisceration. When perineal wound dehiscence is found, wound management with wet to dry dressing changes and sharp débridement of devitalized tissue will promote wound healing.

How is intraoperative perineal wound management managed in pelvic fractures?

Intraoperative perineal wound management has evolved from open wound packing to primary closure with closed suctioned transabdominal pelvic drains.

What are the perineal defects of pelvic fractures?

The perineal defects need to be assessed in three dimensions. The skin defects may be associated with a large dead space in the pelvis following surgical extirpation of tumors. The rigid bony pelvis does not allow the wound to collapse resulting in fluid collection.

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