What is Kibbe body type?
The Kibbe body type system is a body shape system that was developed by David Kibbe in the 1980s that focused on five main categories: Dramatic, Classic, Natural, Gamine, and Romantic. It evaluates the balance of your yang (sharp, angular) and yin (soft, rounded) features.
What is a FN body type?
If you got mostly B answers, with some A answers, then you are flamboyant natural (FN). Your flesh and facial features are probably broad and blunt, tending towards looking muscular, but your bone structure is long and lean.
How many Kibbe body types are there?
The Kibbe Body Types are an array of 13 style types categorised into 5 style families: Dramatics, Naturals, Classics, Romantics and Gamines.
Which Kibbe type is hourglass?
A Gamine will NOT: Have extremely large bone structure. Have prominent or exotic features (except for large eyes) Have large hands and feet. Have an hourglass figure, with a waspish waist and full bust and hips.
How do you dress a Kibbe classic body type?
Dresses. Should always be elegant, with smooth shapes, softly tailored styling, and slim widths. Waist emphasis should be understated (narrow, elegant belts or ties). Shirtwaists, tailored wraps, soft sheaths, smooth knits, and belted coatdresses are all good.
What Kibbe type is Meryl Streep?
Soft Classic (SC) Marion Cotillard, Meryl Streep, and Grace Kelly are all soft classics. I’m also a soft classic. Let’s start by looking at the face, which is where we’ll see the biggest differences between soft classics and classics.
What Kibbe type is Marilyn Monroe?
Yin is defined by roundness and curves. And this is perfectly demonstrated by Marilyn Monroe on the left. Her body type is rounded and curvy, and there are no sharp edges or angles. She has an hourglass figure, a full, round bustline and rounded hips.
What is Kibbe romantic?
In a direct contrast to the Dramatic, Kibbe’s Romantic is the pure yin, all soft shapes, curves, and ornate detail. Kibbe’s Romantic is described as a “Dreamspinner.” You can read more about Kibbe’s Romantic here.
How should I dress my body type Kibbe?
The Natural Kibbe body type is characterised by long but wide lines, and with blunt (slightly rounded) edges. Your clothing lines should focus on creating a relaxed outline to bring some movement into the straight body frame. Keep your clothing lines relaxed and straight.
What is your Kibbe body type?
Know that the Kibbe test will measure four (4) components of your body: Skeleton (overall bone structure), Body Flesh, Facial Bones, and Facial Flesh. Overall, you’ll answer 15 questions. Once done, you’ll sort out how many of your answers are Yin (feminine) and how many are Yang (masculine) then find out your Kibbe body type.
What are Kibbe’s archetypes?
Unlike the traditional (fruit) body shape theory, which focuses on achieving balance and symmetry, Kibbe’s archetypes are more in line with style essences theory. These theories aim at creating an overall harmonious style image of a person rather than focusing on styling individual body parts. II. Underlying Principles III. The 5 Type Families II.
What is your Kibbe image identity type?
In his book Metamorphosis, Kibbe suggests analyzing the physical characteristics and personality essence to discover where on the Yin/Yang scale one falls, determining one’s Kibbe Image Identity Type. All elements of one’s personal appearance including clothing, hair, and makeup are considered to cultivate one’s “total look”.
What is Kibbe’s focus on harmony?
Rather than achieving symmetry, Kibbe’s focus is on achieving harmony. By recreating your natural, unique Yin/Yang balance in your clothing, your clothes will look very natural on you. As opposed to trying to live up to a certain style type, Kibbe argues the need to follow your natural lines.