How do you cross the bridge in 17 minutes riddle?
The riddle Only two at a time can cross, They have only one torch between them so that one member must return with the torch for the next crossing, and, Unless all four of them safely cross over to the other side within 17 minutes, they will be in very great danger.
What is the total minimum time required to cross the bridge?
Answer: (a) 23 minutes.
How many men could cross the bridge at once?
two people
A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown etc. For example: if Bono and Larry walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge.
What is the answer to the bridge Riddle Ted Ed?
Remember: no more than two people can cross the bridge together, anyone crossing must either hold the lantern or stay right next to it, and any of you can safely wait in the dark on either side of the gorge. Most importantly, everyone must be safely across before the zombies arrive.
Can they cross the bridge?
The bridge is weak and only able to carry the weight of two of them at a time. Because they are in a rush and the light is fading they must cross in the minimum time possible and must carry a torch (flashlight,) on each crossing. They only have one torch and it can’t be thrown….Answer to Puzzle #25: Bridge crossing in 17 Minutes with Torch.
Move | Time |
(1) & (2) Cross with Torch | 2 |
17 |
What is the answer to the bridge Riddle?
Who is crossing the bridge and why are there Travelling?
Answer: the people in war zone are crossing the bridge.
How many people must cross a bridge in 17 minutes?
An interesting puzzle where 4 people must cross a bridge in 17 minutes. They all take different times to cross the bridge, 1, 2, 5, & 10 minutes and must cross in pairs with a torch. 4 people must cross a bridge in 17 minutes.
How long does it take Tom to cross the bridge?
Tom can cross in 1 minute, John can cross in 2 minutes, Sally can cross in 5 minutes, and Connor can cross in 10 minutes. If two people cross together they go as fast as the slower person.How can they cross the bridge in 17 minutes or less? Answer: First Tom and John will cross (2 minutes). Then Tom will bring the flashlight back (1 minute).
How long does it take for the four people to cross?
One of them takes 1 minute to cross while second one takes 2 minutes, third takes 5 minutes and the fourth takes 10 minutes. They have to think hard for a safe way to cross because, Unless all four of them safely cross over to the other side within 17 minutes, they will be in very great danger.
How long does it take for zombies to cross the bridge?
By the professor’s calculations, the zombies will reach them in 17 minutes. So you need to get yourself and all others to the other side of the bridge in 17 minutes and cut the rope of the bridge to avoid zombies crossing it. Can you get everyone across and cut the ropes within 17 minutes?