What kind of character is red Ragna?

What kind of character is red Ragna?

Ragna is modeled after the traditional Japanese manga and anime hero. He is a young adult with white spiky hair and heterochromia: his left eye being green and his right being red, a side effect from assimilating the Blue Grimoire into his body. His clothing consists of a hybrid of modern, futuristic and old features.

What happened to Ragna’s head?

Distracted while training, Ragna turned his head, believing that someone was calling out for him. Unfortunately, Jūbei attacked while he had his guard down, knocking him over. He leisurely resumed the regime once ordered by the hero.

Can you get Ragna in Mabinogi duel?

Ragna, as well as any other main character in BlazBlue: Centralfiction, appears in the mobile game Mabinogi Duel. Ragna is a selectable character with a special effect named Soul Eater, the player gains 1 life point whenever an enemy card is destroyed, but loses 2 when an ally card is destroyed.

Does Ragna have a softer side?

However, even in cases where he cannot win or is on the brink of death, Ragna possesses an undying will and persistence, refusing to give up even when he is clearly out matched, something many characters either hate or admire. Beneath his gruff exterior, however, Ragna does possess a softer, more compassionate side.

Does Ragna actually care for anyone?

He does genuinely care for certain people, such as Taokaka, Rachel, Noel, Jūbei and, to an extent, his brother, Jin. Ragna seems to disdain killing, refusing to kill Terumi after he defeated him in the end of Continuum Shift.

Is Ragna a delinquent?

In this regard, Ragna is similar to the stereotypical anime delinquent. This is caused mainly by Yūki Terumi practically destroying Ragna’s life, which has created a mass of hatred in him; stronger than that of any other individual.

What does Ragna wear in BlazBlue?

In BlazBlue: Alter Memory during the hot spring scene in Episode 5, Ragna wears a pair of black, baggy swim shorts; his, otherwise, spiky hair is pushed down from the water and comes down just below his nose.

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