What is extraoral radiograph?
Abstract. Extraoral radiography means that both the image detector and the X-ray machine are placed outside the patient’s mouth. The X-ray source and the image detector have to be aligned in order to generate the desired image quality.
What is extraoral projection?
Typical extraoral x-ray images include panoramic, cephalometric and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) projections. A lateral cephalograph is a sagittal projection of the skull that includes both the hard and soft tissues. CBCT is a perfect example of how dental radiographic terminology is often selfexplanatory.
What is the difference between true lateral skull views and cephalometric views?
The main difference between the true lateral skull and the true cephalometric lateral skull is that the the true lateral skull is not standardized or reproducible. This is used when a single lateral view of the skull is required ut not in orthodontics or growth studies.
What extraoral radiograph is used to best see the maxillary sinus?
Bregma–menton view. This projection is primarily used to demonstrate the walls of the maxillary sinus (especially in the posterior areas), the orbits, the zygomatic arches and the nasal septum.
What is extraoral?
Medical Definition of extraoral : situated or occurring outside the mouth an extraoral abscess an extraoral dental appliance.
What is a panorex used for?
A panorex is an x–ray that provides a full view of the upper and lower jaws, teeth, temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and sinuses.
Which of the following extraoral projections is best for the examination of the soft tissue profile of the face?
18 Cards in this Set
What projection is best for the examination of the maxillary sinus | Waters Projection |
What projection is best for the examination of fractures of the condylar neck | Reverse Towne Projection |
What projection is best for the examination of the soft tissue profile of the face | Lateral Cephalometric Projection |
What is a panoramic radiograph used for?
Panoramic dental x-ray uses a very small dose of ionizing radiation to capture the entire mouth in one image. It is commonly performed by dentists and oral surgeons in everyday practice and may be used to plan treatment for dentures, braces, extractions and implants. This exam requires little to no special preparation.
What is SNA angle?
Cephalometric angles SNA (sella, nasion, A point) indicates whether or not the maxilla is normal, prognathic, or retrognathic.
When is a cephalometric radiograph used?
A cephalometric X-ray is taken during the orthodontic records appointment. Cephalometric X-rays are also used by otolaryngologists — doctors who specialize in the treatment of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) disorders such as sleep apnea — because these X-rays provide a view of the patient’s airways.
On which extraoral projections can the maxillary sinus be seen?
The maxillary sinus is sometimes referred to as the maxillary antrum and can be observed on both maxillary premolar and molar periapicals and partially on lateral-canine periapicals. Zygomatic bone – The zygomatic bone or cheek bone attaches to the right and left sides of the posterior maxilla.
Why is the extraoral and intraoral examination so important?
The maxilla and mandible should be palpated to check for enlargements such as exostoses or tori. This examination may also reveal tenderness that could be the result of infection or inflammation. It is important to record the findings of the extraoral and intraoral examination.