What is an RPR report?

What is an RPR report?

An RPR Seller’s Report shows detailed market activity over time, showing your clients exactly what is going on in their neighborhood.

What does it mean when RPR is non reactive?

A negative or nonreactive result means you don’t likely have syphilis. Positive results are given as a ratio in titers. This tells your healthcare provider the amount of antibodies in your blood.

How do you do a CMA RPR?

The CMA Result is calculated by multiplying the price per square foot of your lowest and highest comps to the living area of your subject property creating the range. The CMA Result is the average. Lowest price per square foot comp x number of square feet of subject property = low end of range.

Can you have a false positive syphilis test?

The RPR test also can produce false-positive results, suggesting you have syphilis when you actually don’t. One reason for a false positive is the presence of another disease that produces antibodies similar to the ones produced during a syphilis infection.

What is RPR in syphilis?

Definition. RPR (rapid plasma reagin) is a screening test for syphilis . It measures substances (proteins) called antibodies that are present in the blood of people who may have the disease.

What does RPR stand for?

Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) What is the RPR? The Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) is NCRA’s foundational certification designed for entry-level freelance and official reporters, students, those looking for a salary increase, and those in need of a license requirement.

Why should I take the RPR?

Your RPR means more recognition and respect from your clients, employers, and fellow reporters. Your RPR means more job opportunities and referrals from fellow reporters. Who is eligible to sit for the RPR exam? Current or aspiring stenographic reporters. Candidates no longer need to be members of NCRA in order to take the RPR Exam.

What is the RPR written knowledge test?

The Written Knowledge Test, or WKT, is a 120*- question, multiple-choice test that focuses on three areas that come from the RPR Job Analysis : You must pass with a scaled score** of 70 or better. * In order to provide candidates with a valid and reliable test, NCRA has started to pretest items for the RPR Written Knowledge Test (WKT).

What is NCRA RPR certification?

The Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) is NCRA’s foundational certification designed for entry-level freelance and official reporters, students, those looking for a salary increase, and those in need of a license requirement.

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