Can you hunt the White River in Arkansas?

Can you hunt the White River in Arkansas?

An Annual Public Use Permit is now required to hunt, fish, launch boats, and utilize campgrounds on Dale Bumpers White River NWR.

How do you get a WMA permit in Arkansas?

People who hunt, trap, fish or boat on WMAs are now required to obtain a free General Use WMA Permit through the Commission’s license system. The permit may be obtained online at, at any license vendor or by calling 800-364-4263.

Is White River Refuge open?

REMINDER: Refuge roads on the South Unit are open to motorized traffic March 1 through December 15 except the Jacks Bay waterfowl hunt area which will remain open through duck season. All other refuge roads are open all year.

How many acres is White River Refuge?

160,756 acres

White River National Wildlife Refuge
Area 160,756 acres (650.56 km2)
Established 1935
Governing body U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Website White River NWR

Can you hunt White River Refuge?

An Annual Public Use Permit is required to hunt, fish, launch boats, and utilize campgrounds on Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge. The permit cost is $20 for those 16 years of age and over and free for those 15 years of age or younger. Permits are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Can you duck hunt on the White River?

designated hunt areas until 4 am. Blinds, blind material, and decoys must be removed from the refuge by 1 pm each day. Personal property (i.e. decoys, weapons, etc.) may not be left unattended. Waterfowl hunting is closed on the White River from Holly Lake downstream to Benzal Bridge.

What is an Arkansas deer draw permit?

June 1, 2021 On many of the most popular areas, the AGFC conducts special draw hunts to maintain healthy deer herds and high-quality hunting experiences. WMA Deer Hunt Permit applications are available for $5 per application type. If successful, applicants receive their permit without additional fees.

Can you camp on WMA land in Arkansas?

Unless otherwise noted under a specific WMA, camping is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days and must be in a designated camping area. Camps may not remain unoccupied for more than 48 hours.

How many lakes are in White River Refuge?

300 lakes
There are over 300 lakes and ponds located throughout White River NWR.

Can you hunt White River Wildlife Area?

December – February for viewing deer and elk. Visiting hours: White River Wildlife Area is open year-round except for lands north of Forest Road 27 from December 1st through March 31st. This is a popular hunting area during the fall, and feeding stations provide good deer and elk viewing during winter.

How many acres is Dale Bumpers White River Refuge?

160,000 acres
Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge is the nation’s largest contiguous block of bottomland hardwood forest under single ownership. Lying within Mississippi River’s alluvial plain in SE Arkansas, the refuge is nearly 160,000 acres in size.

Do you need a permit for Dale Bumpers White River NWR?

An Annual Public Use Permit is now required to hunt, fish, launch boats, and utilize campgrounds on Dale Bumpers White River NWR. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a final hunting and fishing package for Dale Bumpers White River NWR in Arkansas.

Can you hunt on Cook’s Lake in Arkansas?

There is a Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt and a Mobility Impaired Deer Hunt that takes place on the Cook’s Lake Unit in cooperation with Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation. An Annual Public Use Permit is required to hunt, fish, launch boats, and utilize campgrounds on Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge.

Do I need an annual public use permit to hunt?

Holders of other permits, passes and/or Duck Stamps are not exempt from the Annual Public Use Permit requirement. The Annual Public Use Permit is not needed to apply for the quota hunts but is required in order to secure your free quota hunt permit, if selected.

How do I apply for a Quota Hunt at the refuge?

Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge has two quota deer hunts per unit, which are the Modern Gun Deer Hunt and the Muzzleloader Deer Hunt. Quota Hunt applications and all payments must be processed online. Read and review the following information regarding all procedures.

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