What is Kayfun?

What is Kayfun?

The Kayfun Prime is the “flagship” in MTL vaping and comes with all the features you’d expect from a “prime” MTL atomizer. optimized airflow for more flavor. easy to build and clean. (tool-less disassembly) external airflow control – adjustable between 1mm and 2mm in 6 increments.

Can I taste your juice Pbusardo?

Garnering the general public’s attention is crucial to helping smokers transition to vaping. Innokin is determined to help millions of smokers, not just in the UK but worldwide.

How do you rewick a vape coil?

The best way to thread your wick is to tightly roll one end of your wick down to a point so that it can be threaded through like a needle. Your wick should be 2-3 inches long so you should have plenty of room to roll one end while leaving the center of your wick loose enough to fill the coil.

Where is the wick in a vape?

The wick is part of an atomizer whose use is to juice before it is atomized. The coils wrap the wick. When it is dripped or stored in the tank, the wick absorbs the e-juice. There are different characters with the various types of wicks.

How do you un burn a coil?

So, carefully remove the coil from the hot water and submerge it in the cold water. With this, any remaining debris will fall off, and your coil will be clean again. If you have done this and still experience the annoying burnt taste vape, then you can clean it using vinegar or lemon juice in hot water.

Why is my coil burnt after 2 days?

Why your vape tastes burnt It tastes burnt because the wick inside your atomizer coil has dried out and burned up when it was heated. The wick is the part of your vaporizer that soaks up the eliquid from the tank. The wick holds onto this eliquid before it is turned into vapor when the coil heats up.

How do you wick?

How do you fill a kayfun?

There are two ways to fill a Kayfun, so here are both methods: The safest way is to simply use the filling screw on the bottom (or side) of the base. You’ll need a syringe or needle-nosed bottle, but that one dollar investment can save you lots of money in leaked juice.

What size coil do I need for a kayfun Prime?

Clapton’s and bigger types of coil simply WILL NOT fit on the Kayfun Prime’s deck. I’ve tried, believe me, and there’s simply not enough room. My preferred build for the Kayfun Prime is 7-wrap 26g Kanthal coil. I usually get anything from 0.9ohms to 1.2ohms. There are two screws, one for each terminal.

How does kayfun Prime vape work?

Tastes JUST Like It Sounds (Yum!) Once your tank is full of vape juice, turn the Kayfun Prime tank right a few twists. You will see bubbles. This means the juice is flowing to your coil. You’re now ready to vape.

How much cotton do I need for the kayfun Prime?

The Kayfun Prime doesn’t need MASSES of cotton. Again, less is more in this regard. There are two slots either side of the coil. This is where the ends of the cotton need to go. Tuck It In And, BOOM, You’re Done! Carefully push the cotton into these slots, and ensure they are covered but not too stuffed.

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