How do you spell Abigail in Irish?

How do you spell Abigail in Irish?

Abigail in Irish is Abigeál.

What does Abigail mean in Gaelic?

From Abigail meaning ‘father rejoiced’

How do you spell keeva in Gaelic?

About Keeva Keeva is the phonetic spelling of the Irish name, Caoimhe. In Gaelic, the name comes from the word caomh, meaning “beautiful”, “gentle” and “kind”. The male version of the name is Caomhin – or Kevin, in English.

What is the name keeva mean?

The name Keeva is of Irish origin. Keeva is an anglicized spelling of the name Caoimhe. The meaning of Keeva is ‘dear, noble’. The masculine form is Caoimhín or Kevin. The spelling Keeva is more popular in the United States of America than it is in Ireland.

How do you pronounce the name keeva?

The name Keeva can pronounced as “KEE-va” in text or letters. Keeva is bay girl name, main origion is Gaelic. English meanings of Keeva is “#Pretty, #Gentle” and popular in Christian religion.

Is Abigail a Welsh name?

It is also a surname. Abigail was the wife of King David in the Hebrew Bible’s Book of Samuel, and is described as an intelligent, beautiful, loyal woman….Abigail (name)

Pronunciation /ˈæbɪɡeɪl/ AB-i-gayl
Gender Female
Language(s) Hebrew language
Meaning My father is exultation My father is joy

What does Keeva mean in Gaelic?

About Keeva. Keeva is the phonetic spelling of the Irish name, Caoimhe. In Gaelic, the name comes from the word caomh, meaning “beautiful”, “gentle” and “kind”.

Is Abigail a common name in the US?

Despite it being a common name, many people still spell it wrongly. That is why we display the most common spelling of the name. 7 letter names with similar spelling as Abigail. Names that start with A and names that end with L.

How popular is the name Kiva in Ireland?

, it was ranked 19th most popular name among female births in Ireland. Caoimhe Guilfoyle, contestant in the 11th series of Big Brother UK, 2010 Kiva Reardon (born 1987), Irish-Canadian film critic, Founder of Cléo Journal, International Film Festival Programmer.

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