What is the the message in the poem youth and age?

What is the the message in the poem youth and age?

Unlike the rest of the stanzas, we can see that here Coleridge is giving us the message of hope. The poet is saying that life is only what we perceive it to be. Even though you grow old physically but you remain young in mind as long as your way of thinking and your way of living remains young.

What are the differences between youth and old age in the poem youth and age?

A primary distinction between the two is that youth typically dwells in the future, while old people may live in the past. When talking to an older person, they may reflect on the past or on memories when they were younger.

Why did the poet lament the changes in the poem youth and age?

It is the loss of hope and imagination that makes one old. The poet remembers the time when he was young. He could look at life with hope and happiness. Now the old age has made his body weak.

What is hope compared to in the poem youth and age?

Coleridge uses the simile of a bee to compare the way “hope clung feeding” to the blossoms in the breeze. Coleridge’s use of nature evokes a relaxed and simple mood, using the imagery of the bee feeding on blossoms to describe the hopefulness of youth.

What is hope compare?

Answer: Explanation: hope is compared to a bird.

What is the meaning of the line life is but thought?

Answer: It means your life is how you think of it. Explanation: You could decide to look at life from a negative point of view and that is what it will be. You could also look at life from a positive point of view then that will set the tone for the rest of your life.

How does the poet establish the connection between youth and spring?

In the given poem, the poet has compared the youth with the spring season. There lies a similarity between the two. As spring is full of energy and livelihood, in the same way, youth is symbolic of life and enthusiasm. It is the new beginning for the young people to understand and learn to be a part of society.

What is the difference between younger and older?

While, younger means younger, elder means older. The terms younger and elder are also commonly used in relation to siblings. The terms are used to identify the ages of the siblings. Whereas, the sibling who is older than the other is considered to be the elder sibling, or elder sister or elder brother.

How does Coleridge compare and contrast youth and age in the poem youth and age?

Coleridge makes a distinction between youth and old age. He asserts that youth is characterized as being carefree, strong, independent, self-sufficient and optimistic. In the end youth sees no end, where old age is all too well aware of the end brought on by the passage of time.

Why does the poet think that youth has not left him?

Explanation: So, the poet further consoles himself by saying that youth has not gone but it’s how we perceive this world. He refuses to accept the harsh reality of life that is old age. We can see this reluctance when the poet says’ It cannot be that thou art are gone!

Why does hope sing without words?

This “Hope” bird “perches” in the soul, showing that the soul itself is hope’s home. Hope is thus directly linked with the human spirit, where it sings without ever stopping. This perseverance, then, is a representation of humanity’s infinite capacity for hope. Indeed, the bird sings “sweetest” in the storm.

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