How do you get rid of Rakghoul infection?
THORN acts as a quest giver for the Rakghoul Event, sending players into the Rakghoul nests to eradicate the source of the plague during the event. And this is done by fighting off the Rakghouls with blasters, lightsabers, explosives, and the Force as they eliminate the threat of the Rakghoul plague.
How do you get the Rakghoul serum in Kotor?
Search the other two corpses first to find Parts and 1 Credit on one, and 20 Credits and a Medpac on the other. Then, search the Sith Soldier’s body. On him, you’ll find the all-important Rakghoul Serum, in addition to 2 Antidote Kits, a Beam Splitter, 2 Medpacs, a Heavy Combat Suit and a Blaster Rifle.
When is the next Rakghoul event?
SWTOR Events Calendar: September 7 – 14, 2021 Rakghoul Event — September 21 – 28, 2021 Gree Event. The next batch of events has been announced! The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (T.H.O.R.N.) has issued an official level-2 emergency alert concerning an outbreak of the Rakghoul plague on Alderaan.
How do you get a Rakghoul DNA sample?
Rakghoul DNA Sample was an item gained from participating in the Rakghoul Pandemic World Event. It was used to purchase items exclusive to the event from the Jawa vendor Jeelvic who was located in the Dune Sea north of the Wreck of the Stardream.
Who do I give the rakghoul serum to?
Zelka Forn
During his quest to leave Taris, Revan found a sample of the serum in the Undercity and gave it to Zelka Forn, the Upper City doctor.
How do you get to rakghoul tunnels?
The Rakghoul Tunnels is a region located underground on the planet Alderaan. It can be reached from The Spike located in Commerce Way in King’s Pass.
Where is rakghoul cure?
the Undercity
Around 3643 BBY, the rakghoul serum was rediscovered by pirates, who found a sample of the serum in Zelka Forn’s long abandoned second medical facility in the Undercity. The serum was given to a Jedi, and eventually made its way into the hands of a Republic doctor.
Where is the rakghoul serum in swtor?
the Fallenspire Stronghold
Head to the Fallenspire Stronghold in the Sinking City and find the rakghoul serum.
How do I get the barnacle of the eyeless?
The Barnacle of the Eyeless drops from the Rakghoul Eyeless operation boss, but not enough will drop for all players. More of these drop in Veteran mode than Story mode. This item is also tradeable if you or a friend gets an extra, and you’ll only need a total of three barnacles if you want both mounts and the pet.
How often is the rakghoul event?
There’s a once-per-event quest to defeat the Eyeless that you can pick up by buying the THORN Priority Authorization item from the reputation vendors in the tunnel for 1,000 credits, which will give you 2 Rakghoul DNA Canisters for defeating the Eyeless.
What should I do with rakghoul serum?
Behind the scenes. The player can, for 1000 credits, sell the rakghoul serum to Zax in the Lower City bounty office. If the player’s persuade skill is sufficiently high, they can convince Zax to pay 1500 credits instead.
What is the lore object for Rakghoul disease?
The lore object is a datapad that says “Rakghoul Disease” on the table. We would like to thank ZeroEdge ,Janos,Xinra, Nexsis, Windborn and Dan P. for additional information.
What is The Rakghoul event in Star Wars?
This event happens sporadically, and rotates between the planets of Alderaan, Corellia and Tatooine. The event focuses on the outbreak of the Rakghoul virus, and during the event you’ll travel to the rakghoul tunnels that have been dug deep underground.
How do I get rid of The Rakghoul plague?
You can choose to either inoculate yourself against the rakghoul plague by buying a temporary Rakghoul Vaccine item and using it, and you can get this item easily from most droid vendors, including one near the cargo holds and banks in the center of the Republic or Imperial fleet.
What is The Rakghoul Virus Outbreak event?
The event focuses on the outbreak of the Rakghoul virus, and during the event you’ll travel to the rakghoul tunnels that have been dug deep underground. During the event you can earn some unique rewards including a full set of green outbreak response weapons, armor, infected varactyl and dewback mounts, and the black-green crystal.