What does pass along mean?

What does pass along mean?

pass along To deliver something to an intended recipient after having received it from someone else.

Is it pass on or pass along?

to tell someone something that another person has told you: That’s good news – I’ll pass it on to the rest of the team.

How do you use pass along?

I gave him Frank Vasapolli’s phone number and told him I would pass along his number to Frank if I thought it was needed.

What is the meaning of pass on something?

1. phrasal verb. If you pass something on to someone, you give it to them so that they have it instead of you. The winner is passing the money on to a selection of her favorite charities.

What is pass-along readership?

Meaning of pass-along reader in English someone who does not buy a newspaper or magazine themselves, but reads a copy after the buyer has finished with it: Pass-along readers, who did not actually buy the magazine themselves, account for a high proportion of our readership.

What is it called when you pass something down from generation to generation?

An heirloom is something passed down in a family for generations. An heirloom is a special thing that’s handed down, sometimes through a will, but often just from person to person.

What is the difference between pass on and pass away?

“Passed away” is used when talking to someone who knew the person that died, and within close time of the death. “Passed on” is similar to “Passed away” But implies the existence of an afterlife, therefore would be used when talking to people who believe in an afterlife.

Which word means to leave out to not send?

To omit something is to leave it out, to forget or overlook it.

Can you pass by meaning?

Definition of pass by : to happen without being noticed or acted upon by (someone) Don’t let this opportunity pass (you) by!

What is another word for pass on?

Alternate Synonyms for “pass on”: impart; leave; tell. advance; progress; move on; march on; go on; travel; go; move; locomote. bequeath; will; leave. relegate; submit; subject.

Is pass on a phrasal verb?

PASS ON (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you calculate pass-along readership?

This “pass-along” rate is generally thought to be about 2.5 readers. For example, if your newspaper’s circulation is 50,000 total readership would be 50,000 x 2.5 or 125,000.

pass along. 1. To deliver something to an intended recipient after having received it from someone else. A noun or pronoun can be used between “pass” and “along.”.

What is pass it along?

In marketing terms it refers to a piece of marketing material, such as an e-mail newsletter, that goes beyond the original recipient. A pass along is “passed along” to a second person by the recipient.

What is another word for “passed on”?

Synonyms for passed (for) acted, affected, assumed, bluffed, counterfeited, dissembled, faked, feigned,

What does pass across mean?

pass across – make a passage or journey from one place to another; “The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;” “Some travelers pass through the desert”. move through, pass through, transit, pass over.

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