What is the difference between CPT code 69209 and 69210?

What is the difference between CPT code 69209 and 69210?

Code 69210 captures the direct method of impacted earwax removal using curettes, hooks, forceps, and suction. CPT® 69209 Removal impacted cerumen using irrigation/lavage, unilateral reports removal of impacted cerumen (earwax) by irrigation and/or lavage.

What is the CPT code for cerumen impaction removal?

Code 69210 is defined as “removal impacted cerumen (separate procedure), one or both ears.” Use this same code only once to indicate that the procedure was performed, whether it involved removal of impacted cerumen from one or both ears.

What does CPT code 69210 mean?

Removal impacted cerumen
69210, Removal impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral.

What is CPT code G0268?

G0268 is a HCPCS II code for “Removal of impacted cerumen (one or both ears) by physician on same date of service as audiologic function testing” while CPT code 69210 says “Removal impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral.” Historically, G0268 was used for the otolaryngologist’s work to remove impacted …

Can 69210 and 69209 be billed together?

You may not bill CPT code 69209 with CPT code 69210, “removal impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral,” for the same ear. However, CPT codes 69209 and 69210 can be billed for the same encounter if impacted cerumen is removed from one ear using instrumentation and from the other ear using lavage.

When do you use modifier 50?

Use modifier 50 to report bilateral procedures performed during the same operative session by the same physician in either separate operative areas (e.g., hands, feet, legs, arms, ears) or in the same operative area (e.g., nose, eyes, breasts).

What does CPT code 69200 mean?

CPT Code 69200. Removal foreign body from external auditory canal; without general anesthesia. Non-Facility. Average Medicare Reimbursement Per Procedure**

Can CPT code 69210 be billed with 50 modifier?

A: The coder would report CPT code 69210 (removal impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral) with modifier -50 (bilateral procedure) twice. Coders should check with payers to ensure that there are no policies in place that would prohibit them from billing cerumen removal as a bilateral procedure.

What is RT and LT modifiers?

DME MAC Joint Publication The right (RT) and left (LT) modifiers must be used when billing two of same item or accessory on the same date of service and the items are being used bilaterally.

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