What are the strengths of the biological perspective?
One of the strengths of using the biological perspective to analyze psychological problems is that the approach is usually very scientific. Researchers utilize rigorous empirical methods, and their results are often reliable and practical.
What are the weaknesses of biological perspective?
- Focuses too much on the ‘nature’ side of the nature/nurture debate. It argues that behaviour is caused by hormones, neurotransmitters and genetics.
- It develops theories about disorders and generalises them to apply to everyone. It does not take into account the view that humans are unique.
What is a key strength of the biological approach?
One strength of the biological approach is that it is deterministic. This is a strength because it increases the likelihood of being able to treat people with abnormal behavior and provides explanations about the causes of behavior. This understanding can then be used to improve people’s lives.
What is an example of a biological perspective?
The biological approach believes that most behavior is inherited and has an adaptive (or evolutionary) function. For example, in the weeks immediately after the birth of a child, levels of testosterone in fathers drop by more than 30 percent. This has an evolutionary function.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the behaviourist approach?
Terms in this set (5)
- STRENGTH: Scientific credibility.
- STRENGTH: Real-life application.
- WEAKNESS: Mechanistic view of behaviour.
- WEAKNESS: Environmental determinism.
- WEAKNESS: Ethical and practical issues in animal experiments.
What are the strengths of cognitive approach?
One strength of the cognitive approach is it has always employed highly controlled and rigorous methods of study in order to enable researchers to infer cognitive processes at work. This has involved the use of lab experiments to produce reliable, objective data.
What is the biological perspective in health and social care?
The biological approach says that all our actions are inherited from our parents, it believes that mental illness is an abnormality due to faulty genetic. Treatment for this approach is heavily based upon the use of medication, and treatments such as ECT.
What is biological perspective in criminology?
The biological theory of criminology says that individuals who commit crimes and individuals who obey the law are biologically different. Biological research does not provide causal evidence, and the biological theory absolves people of responsibility.
What is the focus of the biological or neuroscience perspective?
The neuroscience/biological perspective is about the way that a person is. Instead of believing that external factors help to shape an individual, this perspective, instead, believes that the internal aspects of an individual are far more important to their actions.
What are the strengths of the behaviourist perspective?
Strengths. One of the greatest strengths of behavioral psychology is the ability to clearly observe and measure behaviors. Behaviorism is based on observable behaviors, so it is sometimes easier to quantify and collect data when conducting research.
What are the weaknesses of the behaviourist perspective?
- It ignores the mental processes that are involved in learning unlike the cognitive approach who views these processes as important.
- The use of animals in applying the laws of learning to humans has been criticised as humans are more complex than animals.
What are the weaknesses of cognitive perspective?
The main disadvantage of the cognitive approach is that it refers to cognitive processes that we cannot directly observe. It relies heavily on inference.
Strengths and Weaknesses One of the strengths of using the biological perspective to analyze psychological problems is that the approach is usually very scientific. Researchers utilize rigorous empirical methods, and their results are often reliable and practical.
What are the advantages of the biological approach?
The biological approach provides clear predictions that can. This means that explanations can be scientifically tested and support with evidence. Bio psychological theories often over-simplify the huge complexity of physical systems and their interaction with the environment. Theories within the biological approach support nature over nurture.
What are the strengths of the biological model of abnormal psychology?
The biological model of abnormal psychology says that psychological problems are caused by biological issues. There are many strengths of this model, including that it can be scientifically tested, it has a high success rate, and it can help reduce the stigma around mental health issues.
What are the weaknesses of thenomothetic approach?
Explain why weakness 2 (nomothetic approach) is a weakness: – behaviours might not be able to be generalised universally (etics) – lack of cross cultural research (ethnocentric) – beta gender bias