What are the neurological disorders common with aging?

What are the neurological disorders common with aging?

Some of the more common neurological disorders that affect seniors include strokes, neuropathy, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Chances are, you know someone who has dealt with one of these medical problems.

What is the most common nervous system disorder among the elderly?

The most common neurological diseases of the elderly in this study were lumbar arthrosis (14%), dementia (Alzheimer’s type, vascular) (12.4%), Parkinson’s disease (10.2%), and polyneuropathy (9.1%).

What were the common symptoms found between the majority of the neurological disorders?

Physical Symptoms of Neurological Problems Partial or complete paralysis. Muscle weakness. Partial or complete loss of sensation. Seizures.

What are the most common neurological disorders?

Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disorder in the elderly after stroke and dementia. Old age is the time of life when seizures, unprovoked or associated with acute illness, are most common.

What are the most common diseases in the elderly?


  • Alzheimer’s.
  • Heart Failure.
  • Cancer.
  • Parkinson’s disease.
  • What is the most common mental illness in the elderly?

    Depression. Depression is considered the most common mental disorder among seniors.

  • Late onset bipolar. Most bipolar patients are diagnosed in early adulthood.
  • Late onset schizophrenia. This disorder also presents a challenge to diagnose. It can manifest in adults after age 45 and appears as the patient ages.
  • How are neurological disorders treated?

    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). A type of psychotherapy,CBT helps you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking so that you can view situations more clearly and respond to them

  • Treating other mental health conditions.
  • Hypnosis.
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