Is an ALT level of 47 high?
Typically the range for normal AST is reported between 10 to 40 units per liter and ALT between 7 to 56 units per liter. Mild elevations are generally considered to be 2-3 times higher than the normal range.
Is ALT level of 46 high?
A normal ALT test result can range from 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L). Levels are normally higher in men. Slightly high ALT levels may be caused by: Alcohol abuse.
What is ALT 47 blood test?
When liver cells are damaged, they release ALT into the bloodstream. An ALT test measures the amount of ALT in the blood. High levels of ALT in the blood can indicate a liver problem, even before you have signs of liver disease, such as jaundice, a condition that causes your skin and eyes to turn yellow.
Is AST of 47 high?
Normal Lab Values AST and ALT are measured in international units per liter (IU/L). The normal levels vary based on a person’s body mass index (BMI) It also depends on the lab’s reference value, or typical results. Generally speaking, the normal reference value for adults is: AST: 8 to 48 IU/L.
Is ALT 48 high?
Normal Lab Values Generally speaking, the normal reference value for adults is: AST: 8 to 48 IU/L. ALT: 7 to 55 IU/L.
What does an AST and ALT level of 47 mean?
For example, on a routine Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), a woman will have an AST level of 54 U/L and an ALT level of 47 U/L. Both enzymes are slightly outside the normal range, but this often gets blown off by the primary care physician because the liver enzyme levels are not high enough to indicate major a concern.
What is the normal level of Alt in liver?
The level of ALT is the primary indicator of liver health as this type of enzyme are only mainly found in liver cells. Normal ALT values are around 10-40 units per litre. This range might vary according to different countries or laboratories, but the upper limit is usually between 35-40.
What is Alt in hepatitis?
Hepatitis C for Patients ALT, or alanine aminotransferase, is one of the two liver enzymes. It is sometimes known as serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT. It is a protein made only by liver cells.
How does folate affect Alt and liver health?
A 2012 animal study similarly found that consuming more folate resulted in lower ALT levels and a decreased risk of liver damage. The results showed that ALT levels decreased as folate levels increased. To help lower ALT levels, consider adding more folate-rich foods to your diet, such as: