What is the trend for atomic radius going down a group?
Down a group, the number of energy levels (n) increases, so there is a greater distance between the nucleus and the outermost orbital. This results in a larger atomic radius. Ionic radius is the distance from the nucleus to the outer edge of the electron cloud of an ion.
Why does atomic radius decrease from left to right in a period?
Atomic size gradually decreases from left to right across a period of elements. This is because, within a period or family of elements, all electrons are added to the same shell. However, at the same time, protons are being added to the nucleus, making it more positively charged.
Why does atomic radius increase down a group but decrease across a period?
Across a period, the radius of elements decreases, since the effective nuclear charge gradually increases due to which electrons are attracted stronger towards the nucleus. However, down the group the atomic radius increases, as there is an increase in the number of shells within each atom.
What is the trend in atomic radius going across period 4?
(2) Variation of atomic radius across Period 4 There is the general expected decrease from left to right with increasing nuclear charge without quantum level expansion or increase in shielding and so pulling the outer electrons closer.
How atomic radius vary in a period and in a group?
In general, the atomic radius decreases as we move from left to right in a period with an increase in the nuclear charge of the element. The atomic radius increases when we go down a group because of the addition of an extra shell.
Why does the atomic radius decrease as the atomic number increases?
As the atomic number increases along each row of the periodic table, the additional electrons go into the same outermost shell, causing the atomic radius to decrease due to the increasing nuclear charge.
Which effect explains why the atomic radius increases down a group?
Group Trend Higher principal energy levels consist of orbitals which are larger in size than the orbitals from lower energy levels. The effect of the greater number of principal energy levels outweighs the increase in nuclear charge and so atomic radius increases down a group.
What is the trend in atomic radius as you go down groups?
Decreases as you go down a group because electrons are close to the nucleus in smaller atoms making the attraction stronger. The trend in atomic radius as you go down a group and why this occurs. Increases as you go down a group because higher energy levels have larger orbitals so the size of atom increases.
What is the relationship between energy levels and atomic radius?
As you go down a Group in the Periodic Table from top to bottom, the number of energy levels or electron shells increases so the atomic radius of the elements increases. Compare the number of occupied energy levels (electron shells) and the radius of the atom of elements in Group 1 and in Group 17 as given in each section below:
How does the atomic radius change across the periodic table?
In general, for the main group elements of the periodic table: Atomic radius1 increases down a Group, from top to bottom, of the Periodic Table. Atomic radius decreases across a Period, from left to right, of the Periodic Table2.
Why does ionic radius increase as you go down the group?
Ionic radius increases as you go down the Group 17 elements from top to bottom as an additional energy level (electron shell) is being added to each successive element, just as it is for the neutral atom. But what causes the radius to expand when an electron is added to the valence shell of the original atom?