What is CVJ in ultrasound?
The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) comprises the occiput, atlas, and axis and is visible in most magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies of the brain.
What is Cvj anomaly?
Craniovertebral junction (CVJ) anomalies can be congenital, developmental or due to malformation secondary to any acquired disease process. These anomalies can lead to cranial nerve compression, vertebral artery compression, and obstructive hydrocephalus.
What is Cvj medical term?
Craniovertebral junction (CVJ) consists of the occipital bone that surrounds the foramen magnum, the atlas and the axis vertebrae.
What is craniovertebral junction?
The craniovertebral junction (CVJ)—defined as the occiput, atlas, and axis—is a complex area that houses vital neural and vascular structures while achieving the most mobility of any segment within the spine. 63. It represents the transition between the brain and cervical spine.
What is CV junction in pregnancy?
The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) is composed of the occiput, the. foramen magnum. , and the first two. cervical vertebrae.
What is Platybasia?
Platybasia is an abnormality of the base of the skull, literally flattening of the skull base. It may be developmental in origin or due to softening of the skull base bone, allowing it to be pushed upward (see Basilar Invagination).
What is the atlas bone?
The Atlas: The Top Bone in Your Cervical Spine The occipital bone rests upon the atlas, the first bone in your neck. The atlas is named after the Greek God Atlas, who held up the world on his shoulders. The atlas is ring-shaped and has the important task of supporting the head.
Does cervical instability Show on MRI?
Magnetic resonance imaging is sensitive to soft-tissue injuries of the cervical spine. When CT scanning and radiography detect no fractures or signs of instability, MR imaging does not help in determining cervical stability and may lead to unnecessary testing when not otherwise indicated.
What does CVJ stand for in MRI?
Craniovertebral junction: normal anatomy, craniometry, and congenital anomalies The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) comprises the occiput, atlas, and axis and is visible in most magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies of the brain.
Which craniometric measurements are used in the radiologic assessment of cVj anomalies?
Craniometric measurements used in radiologic assessment of CVJ anomalies include the Chamberlain line, Wackenheim clivus baseline, Welcher basal angle, and atlantooccipital joint axis angle.
What is the craniovertebral junction (CVJ)?
Rare and clinically irrelevant lesions are excluded. The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) supports the head and enables its flexion and rotation in three dimensions.
What are the signs and symptoms of central venous junction (CVJ) lesions?
The vital structures, including the brain stem, upper cervical spinal cord, cervical nerve roots, vertebral arteries, and anterior spinal artery, can become compressed. Suboccipital and neck pain (encountered in 82% of patients with CVJ lesions) is the most common sign.