What is the story behind Medjugorje?

What is the story behind Medjugorje?

“Our Lady of Medjugorje” is the title given to the apparition by those who believe that Mary, mother of Jesus, has been appearing from 24 June 1981 until today to six children, now adults, in Međugorje (then part of communist Yugoslavia).

What did the Virgin Mary say at Medjugorje?

Holy Mother of Medjugorje, pray for me who have recourse to you! Prayer: On April 25, 1990 Blessed Virgin Mary, you told us that you would pray and intercede for us with God that we would understand the greatness of the gift which God has given by your presence. Help me to be a messenger of peace as you are.

What does Medjugorje Mirmirmir mean?

The name Međugorje literally means “an area between mountains”. At an altitude of 200 metres above sea level it has a mild Mediterranean climate. The town consists of an ethnically-homogeneous Croat population of over 4,000.

Do people still go to Medjugorje?

On 7 December 2017, it was reported that Archbishop Hoser, Pope Francis’ envoy to Medjugorje, announced that official pilgrimages are allowed, stating, “dioceses and other institutions can organize official pilgrimages.” This pilgrimage was officially authorized by the Holy See in May 2019.

Can US citizens fly to Croatia?

All travelers (regardless of citizenship) who meet the entry conditions are advised to fill out an arrival form at Enter Croatia in advance to facilitate their entry at the border.

What is the story of Medjugorje?

The Story of Medjugorje On June 24, 1981, two young girls were walking in the hamlet of Bijakovici in the parish of Medjugorje when a woman holding an infant appeared high on a hill among the boulders and brambles of Mount Podbrdo. Instinctively, they knew it was the Virgin Mary, but they did not approach her.

What is Apparition Hill in Medjugorje?

Overlooking the village of Medjugorje is Mount Podbrdo, the site where the visionaries first saw Our Lady appear in June 1981. Pilgrims from around the world climb Apparition Hill, sharing experiences that are profound, personal, and life-changing.

How often does Our Lady of Medjugorje give apparitions?

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez and Jakov Colo had daily apparitions until 1982, 1985, i.e. 1998. Since then, Our Lady appears to them once a year and gives a message. Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages – page with latest Messages of Our Lady, including all Monthly Messages, Annual Messages and weekly messages from Medjugorje.

What is the Medjugorje Commission?

Pope Benedict XVI set up a commission chaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini to “collect and examine all the material” about Medjugorje and present “a detailed report” followed by a vote on the “supernatural nature” of the apparitions.

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