Does 4 numbers in Oz Lotto pay?

Does 4 numbers in Oz Lotto pay?

3. Oz Lotto Prize Divisions and Odds

Oz Lotto Prize Divisions & Odds
Division 4 5 Winning Numbers + 1 Supplementary Number 1 : 29,602
Division 5 5 Winning Numbers 1 : 3,430
Division 6 4 Winning Numbers 1 : 154
Division 7 3 Winning Numbers + 1 Supplementary 1 : 87

What division is 4 numbers in Oz Lotto?

6th Division
However, as of 2012, the game has reverted to the branding of Oz Lotto in these regions). Oz Lotto guarantees a minimum division one prize pool of $2 million….Oz Lotto.

Division Winning Numbers Required Probability (Single Game)
5th Division 5 1 in 3,430
6th Division 4 1 in 154
7th Division 3 + one or both supplementary 1 in 87

What division in Lotto is 4 numbers?

How do I win?

If a line on your ticket matches: + matching Powerball
5 Lotto balls wins Division 3 + Wins Division 3 Powerball also
4 Lotto balls + bonus ball wins Division 4 + Wins Division 4 Powerball also
4 Lotto balls wins Division 5 + Wins Division 5 Powerball also

How many numbers do you need to win Oz Lotto divisions?

To win Division 1 in Oz Lotto (the Jackpot prize), your entry needs to match 7 numbers in a single game panel with the 7 winning numbers from that draw. However you can win a prize with as little as 3 winning numbers plus 1 supplementary number in a single game.

How do divisions work in lotto?

To win Division 1 in Monday & Wednesday Lotto, your entry needs to match all 6 winning numbers in a single game panel. However you can win a prize with as little as 1 or 2 winning numbers plus 2 supplementary numbers in a single game.

What are the divisions for Saturday Lotto?

Tattslotto divisions

Division Winning combination Odds
Division 1 6 winning numbers 1:8,145,060
Division 2 5 winning numbers + 1 supplementary number 1:678,755
Division 3 5 winning numbers 1:36,690
Division 4 4 winning numbers 1:733

What is 6th Division in lotto?

To win Division 6, you now need 3 winning numbers (previously to win Division 6 you needed 1-2 winning numbers + 2 supplementary numbers). More winners: What’s great about the updated winning combinations for Division 6, is your chance of winning and the frequency of Division 6 wins has improved!

What division is 4 numbers in Monday Lotto?

How do I win Monday Lotto?

Division Winning Combination
Division 1 6 winning numbers
Division 2 5 winning numbers + 1 supplementary number
Division 3 5 winning numbers
Division 4 4 winning numbers

How do the lottery numbers work?

You need first to buy a lotto ticket with your chosen set of numbers. The numbers will be randomly selected from this range. If your numbers match with the winning number – then you won the lottery prize! You may also win a smaller prize if you match a certain numbers with the jackpot numbers.

How many Prize divisions are there in Oz Lotto?

How many prize divisions are in Oz Lotto? Oz Lotto prize divisions include seven different levels, from Division 1 (the Jackpot) to Division 7. The Division 1 prize has a minimum guaranteed payout of $2 million, though it can get larger if the prize isn’t won right away. Lower Division prizes steadily decrease in amount.

How many winning lottery numbers do you need to win Division 4?

Division 1: match seven winning numbers (probability is 1 in 45,379,620) Division 2: match six winning numbers, and one or two supplementary numbers (probability is 1 in 3,241,401) Division 3: match six winning numbers (probability is 1 in 180,078) Division 4: match five winning numbers, and one or

How many numbers can you enter in an Oz Lotto draw?

Using an accredited online service (like Oz Lotteries!) There is no limit to the number of entries for any Oz Lotto draw. However, tickets for the draw must be purchased before the draw takes place. Players must meet the criteria for winning to receive a prize e.g. match 7 numbers to win Division 1.

What are the odds of winning the Oz Lotto?

Oz Lotto divisions and prizes Division How to Win Probability of winning Division 1/Jackpot Match 7 1 in 45,378,620 Division 2 Match 6 + 1 Supplementary 1 in 3,241,401 Division 3 Match 6 1 in 180,078 Division 4 Match 5 + 1 Supplementary 1 in 29,602

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