What are some questions about Moses?

What are some questions about Moses?

1) Who adopted Moses?

  • 2) Why did Moses flee to the land of Midian?
  • 3) Who was Moses’ first wife?
  • 4) God first spoke to Moses from a _________.
  • 5) On what mountain did Moses encounter the burning bush?
  • 6) What was the name of Moses’ firstborn son?
  • 7) Why did God send Moses back to Egypt?
  • What are some facts about Moses in the Bible?

    Moses is the most important Jewish prophet. He’s traditionally credited with writing the Torah and with leading the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. In the book of Exodus, he’s born during a time when the Pharaoh of Egypt has ordered every male Hebrew to be drowned.

    What is the main message of Moses?

    God asked Moses to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses was at first reluctant, thinking that the Israelites would not believe he had heard the word of God. God then gave Moses special powers and inspired by this, Moses returned to Egypt and demanded freedom for his people.

    What was Moses concern about his ability?

    Moses expressed concern about his inadequacies and his ability to deliver Israel. The Lord reassured Moses that He would be with him and give him power to deliver Israel. Aaron was called to be a spokesman for Moses.

    Why did God choose Moses instead of Aaron?

    Because Moses complained that he could not speak well, God appointed Aaron as Moses’ “prophet” (Exodus 4:10-17; 7:1).

    What were Moses excuses?

    5 Excuses for Not Answering God’s Call (Session 1 – Exodus 3:4-14; 4:13-16)

    • I’m not adequate for the task. “Who am I,” Moses asked (3:11).
    • I don’t know enough.
    • People won’t take me seriously.
    • I’m no good with words.
    • I’m not willing.
    • What other excuses do we make when God calls?

    What was Moses first excuse?

    The first one is found in Exodus 3:11, “I don’t have the ability.” However, Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Moses had the ability of God inside him. The next excuse was, “I don’t know what to say.” Yet, in the book of Acts it says, “Moses was great in words and deeds.”

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