What is the difference between gold leaf and imitation gold leaf?
Authentic gold leaf is a decorative material made by hammering gold into very thin sheets varying in gold content and weight. Imitation gold leaf, also called composition gold leaf, Dutch metal, or Dutch gold, while made to imitate the appearance of gold, is made from a combination of copper, zinc, and brass.
What is imitation gold leaf called?
Composition Gold Leaf
Composition Gold Leaf, also referred to as Imitation Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal, Dutch Gold or Schlagmetal, is imitation gold leaf made from brass and a combination of copper and zinc. Composition Leaf will tarnish and requires a protective sealer upon completion of gilded surface.
Is imitation gold leaf good?
Imitation gold leaf is well suited for a variety of interior applications where cost may be a factor and is particularly good for use on gilding entire walls or ceilings. Any Imitation Gold Leaf will tarnish over time and will need to be protected by a clear varnish or lacquer – we recommend Kölner Leaf Protect.
How long will imitation gold leaf last?
If gilded correctly 23ct or above Gold Leaf can last for between 20 – 30 years external unsealed. It is recommended that gold leaf that is 23ct or above is not sealed as most sealers tend to break down over a period of time and typically only last for around 3-5 years.
Is there fake gold leaf?
Imitation Gold Leaf is made from copper and zinc and is frequently referred to Dutch Metal leaf, metal Leaf, and brass leaf. Imitation leaf is frequently used for gilding ceilings and walls, since its color is similar to real 23k gold leaf, and it is substantially less expensive than real gold.
Can you oil paint over gold leaf?
Oil paint takes six months or more to completely dry, so applying metal leaf on top of oil paint is not advised because the adhesive (gold size) will prevent the oil from finishing drying and making a stable structure.
How can you tell if gold is gilded?
Some antique or vintage frames are gilded in a less precious metal than gold. To determine if a frame is in fact real gold leaf, look to its sheen or hue. Because gold leaf doesn’t tarnish, it will maintain its luster, despite its age. One less precious alternative to gold leaf is a bronze paint finish.