What does Tafmsd stand for in the Air Force?

What does Tafmsd stand for in the Air Force?

total active federal military service date
An Airman’s total active federal military service date, or TAFMSD, will determine whether he or she is grandfathered under previous HYT limits or impacted by the new HYT limits.

What is the abbreviation for Air Force?

Military Acronyms & Abbreviations

Acronym Meaning
AF Air Force
AFB Air Force Base
AFD Automatic Feeding Device
AFMC Air Force Material Command

What does deros stand for?


Acronym Definition
DEROS Date Eligible for Return From Overseas
DEROS Date of Estimated Return for Overseas (US Air Force)

What is TSgt rank in Air Force?

technical sergeant
The technical sergeant (TSgt) is the second level of the NCO ranks in the Air Force. Technical sergeants are qualified to perform highly complex technical duties in addition to providing supervision.

What does stg mean in the Air Force?

Staff sergeant (SSgt) is E-5 in the U.S. Air Force. It ranks above senior airman and below technical sergeant. It is the Air Force’s first non-commissioned officer rank, as well as the first Air Force rank to which promotion is attained on a competitive basis.

What is Oconus?

CONUS/OCONUS: The continental U.S., or CONUS, is the 48 connected states and District of Columbia. OCONUS is outside the continental U.S.

What does ETS stand for?


Acronym Definition
ETS Educational Testing Service (nonprofit private educational testing and measurement organization)
ETS Emergency Telecommunications Service
ETS Electronic Trading System
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme (UK)

What does tafmsd mean in the military?

TAFMS is a Navy acronym that means “Total Active Federal Military Service.”. This means the time you’ve spent on active duty. It includes boot camp, your “A” school, weekends, training during the summer, any prior service and any time you’ve been called up for active service.

What is Air Force tactical aircraft maintenance?

Duties of Air Force Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Specialists. Another key part of the tactical aircraft maintenance specialist’s job is to conduct inspections of aircraft, including structures, systems, components and related systems. They’ll then interpret inspection findings and determine what of corrective actions might need to be taken.

What are the fitness requirements for Air Force?

To emphasize total fitness, including proper aerobic conditioning, strength training, flexibility training, and healthy eating. Part of this emphasis lies in the Air Force PT Test requirements, which include both aerobic- and strength-measuring components.

What is Air Force aviation resource management?

Aviation Resource Management. Overview: Skilled managers on the ground are essential to ensure that aircraft safely complete their missions in the air. Aviation Resource Management personnel perform key ground coordination tasks related to crew, resources, scheduling, and communications with other base agencies.

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