What is the law on boundary hedges?
How This Relates To Boundary Hedges. There is no law that compels your neighbour to cut their side of the hedge should they not want or be able to. If the boundary is in the middle of the hedge, this will technically be their property so they will not have to trim it if they do not want to.
What is the legal height of a hedge between Neighbours UK?
Generally, a line of two or more evergreens of a height of more than 2 metres above ground level constitutes a hedge. The Council may, if they consider the circumstances justify it, issue a notice requiring the hedge owner to take action to remedy the problem and prevent it reoccurring.
Can my Neighbour remove a boundary hedge?
Can I remove my boundary hedge? You are allowed to trim or maintain your side of the hedge to the boundary in this instance as long as that doesn’t kill the hedge, but it is considered to be shared property, so you’ll need to come to an agreement with your neighbour in order to remove it legally.
What is the legal height for a boundary hedge?
hedges are not required to be limited to a height of two metres. permission is not required to grow a hedge over two metres high. action may not be taken when a hedge grows over two metres high. your neighbour may not be ordered to reduce the height of their hedge.
Who owns a hedge between two properties?
Provided there are no Boundary Disputes, and if both parties agree to the hedge, you will usually both be responsible for the maintenance of the hedge on your own sides. You can cut the hedge right back to your neighbour’s boundary, although there are some exceptions to this.
How do you know who owns a boundary hedge?
1 If it’s a fence, then usually the back of the fence faces the owner. The ‘back’ is the side with the posts. 2 If it’s a hedge and ditch, then these belong to the land on the hedge side – ie the far side of the ditch is the boundary. 3 If this doesn’t help, ‘acts of ownership’ come into play.
Can I reduce the height of my Neighbour’s hedge?
You are allowed, by law, to prune the roots or branches of a hedge if it’s a nuisance and protruding into your garden. And therefore your neighbour can do the same if it’s your hedge. If the height is the problem do not attempt to trim it without advice from a property solicitor.
How high can my hedge be UK?
When a hedge grows over 2m (6½ft), the local authority does not automatically take action, unless a justifiable complaint is made. The law can not be used as a preventative measure – the hedge must already be above 2m (approx 6½ft) tall and impairing reasonable enjoyment.
Can my Neighbour cut my hedge without my permission?
By law you are entitled to cut back the roots and growth of your neighbour’s hedges where they cross into your property, however you are not allowed to cut hedges on their property without permission. Similarly, your neighbour can trim your hedge on their property if it is becoming an issue.
Can I plant a hedge next to my Neighbours fence?
Your Rights. You do not usually need to obtain permission to plant a hedge in your garden if it is solely within your property’s boundary. However, you do need to obtain permission from your next door neighbour if you’re considering planting a hedge to separate the adjoining properties right on the boundary line.
Can a Neighbour cut my hedge without my permission?
How do I find out who has responsibility for a boundary fence wall or hedge?
To determine who is responsible for the boundaries the first place that you need to look is the Title Register or if the property is not registered you will need to check the Title Deeds. These will often set out which boundaries specifically you are required to maintain.
What is the boundary between a ditch and a hedge?
Boundary Hedges with Ditches. The best known boundary presumption is the ditch and hedge rule, which is that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, where two properties are separated by a ditch and a hedge the boundary is presumed to be on the far side of the ditch from the hedge.
Are neighbours responsible for hedges on my property?
Property damage from hedges. Your neighbour is responsible for maintaining their hedges so they do not, for example, damage your property or grow too high. If they do damage your property, your neighbour may be liable.
Can the Highways Authority force you to cut back Hedges?
The highways authority can ask you to cut back hedges or trees on your property if they’re causing an obstruction in the road. If you refuse, they can go into your property without your permission to do the work themselves.
Is the right hedge the right boundary for your garden?
The right hedge can be an ideal garden boundary but the wrong hedge may bring problems. Use this guide to help you agree what is right for you and your neighbours.