What is the medical term for massage?
It is also known as clinical massage or treatment massage. There are many massage schools and programs that teach medical massage as a technique. Though medical massage is any massage treatment used to treat specific medical conditions.
What does excursion mean in massage?
Excursion. Is the distance a massage technique travels over the body.
What are massage modalities?
According to Vocabulary.com, modality is “the way or mode in which something exists or is done.” A massage therapist would say that a modality refers to the approach that he or she might take with a client.
What does SOAP stand for in massage therapy?
SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan) notes are used at intake and ongoing to document a client’s condition and progress.
What is a massage therapist called?
Definition of masseur : a man who practices massage.
What does BS stand for in massage?
Bull Shit
Before we go on to what Science Based massage means to me (and yes this definition is what I believe, because it is my blog and my rant) lets take a look at what the meaning of B.S. is (Bull Shit).
What does it mean to be allied?
Definition of allied 1 : having or being in close association : connected two families allied by marriage. 2 : joined in alliance by compact or treaty specifically, capitalized : of or relating to the nations united against Germany and its allies in World War I or those united against the Axis powers in World War II.
What does integrated massage mean?
Integrative Massage is the application of specific treatment protocols targeting the specific problem(s) each client presents with. It is the practical application of numerous hands on techniques to treat a clients specific areas of dysfunction during a massage session.
What is Lomi Lomi massage?
Lomi lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses a combination of massage techniques, nut oils, and sometimes elements of prayer, breathing and dance to restore energy and soothe the body. It is also known as the ‘loving hands’ massage.
What is entrainment in physics?
The concept is firmly established, researched, and accepted by the scientific community. A basic definition of entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. Physics concepts can go in one ear and out the other so we’ve added a few more definitions of it to help it sink in.
What is the meaning of the word entrain?
Definition of entrain. (Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to draw along with or after oneself. 2 : to draw in and transport (something, such as solid particles or gas) by the flow of a fluid. 3 : to incorporate (air bubbles) into concrete. 4 : to determine or modify the phase or period of circadian rhythms entrained by a light cycle. entrain.
What does massage mean to you?
(mə-säzh′, -säj′) n. 1. a. The therapeutic manipulation of body tissues by a trained practitioner, as by systematic stroking, kneading, or application of pressure, to effect a beneficial physiological response such as pain reduction or improved circulation. b.
What is neural entrainment and how does it work?
If you think of the brain as a blob with electrical pulses running through it, neural entrainment means that the pulses don’t seem random. Sustained rhythmic, physical stimulation leads to neural entrainment —an alignment of neural signals that produces an explosion in brain activity.