What goes well with biltong?

What goes well with biltong?

So here are common ingredients that can nicely go with biltong.

  • Biltong Baked Potato. Instead of bothering yourself using bacon, to get a great yummy taste, you can try your cooking skill on biltong alongside baked potatoes.
  • Biltong Salad.
  • Peri-Peri Biltong.
  • Biltong Sandwich.
  • Biltong Pizza.
  • Biltong Coffee Rub.

Is biltong better than beef jerky?

Biltong is cured in vinegar, air dried whole, and sliced. Beef jerky is sliced, marinated with spices and flavorings, then cooked with heat….What is the Difference between Biltong and Jerky?

Beef jerky Beef Jerky Biltong shredded and ready to eat Biltong
Ingredients Made with blend of ingredients and flavorings Features vinegar, coriander, all spice

Why is biltong so bad?

Biltong tends to be very high in sodium, with some types packing as much as 20% of your daily sodium allowance per ounce (28 grams) ( 9 ). Research suggests that excessive sodium intake may negatively affect your heart health, blood pressure, and stroke risk ( 10 ).

Can I use apple cider vinegar to make biltong?

Pour about a cup of vinegar over the meat. I used white spirit vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and white wine vinegar also work fine. Try avoid using red or black vinegars though, they change the colour of the meat and mask how done the meat is during drying.

How is biltong served?

The original sliced beef biltong is the most common way to eat biltong–like a beef jerky. This mouth-watering treat is traditionally spiked with black pepper and coriander. An alternative meat is the healthier low-fat and low-cholesterol ostrich biltong.

How do you enjoy biltong?

Cut in long strips as opposed to random sized chunks of other dried meats, biltong is easy to grab, go, and enjoy no matter where you find yourself! #9 Plays Well with Others. Enjoy biltong on its own or add it to other dishes including salad, pizza, omelettes, bruschetta, avocado toast, and cornbread muffins.

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