Why did ATT discontinue MicroCell?

Why did ATT discontinue MicroCell?

AT stopped selling the MicroCell at the end of 2017 because they had reached their EOL. The service itself will be discontinued no later than Feb. 2022 once AT shuts down their 3G network. AT is not offering a replacement for them other than WiFi-C.

Why is my ATT MicroCell not working?

Turn your cell phone off and then turn it back on. If restarting your 3G, 4G or 4G LTE cell phone does not resolve the issue, then restart your MicroCell. Unplug the power adapter from the wall outlet, wait 10 seconds, then plug it back in. It may take an additional 30 minutes for the Network light to turn solid green.

What can I use instead of MicroCell?

There is no replacement policy now for the MicroCell. AT stopped selling them at the end of 2017 because the MicroCell had reached its EOL., Once the service goes offline your only option will be to use WiFi-C, purchase a cellular booster, or switch carriers.

What is the AT microcell?

This AT Microcell is built by Cisco Systems, a leader in cellular network technology. It can provide up to 5 bars of AT cell signal to your 3G and 4G mobile phones (including iPhone, Android, and Windows mobile).

Do I need A microcell to make calls?

However, the need for a MicroCell has been replaced by WiFi Calling since phones, especially smartphones, have the ability to connect directly to your router and use WiFi data for voice calls and internet. It bypasses the middleman (AT MicroCell) and gives you what you need without needing additional equipment. It’s also essentially free.

What is the microcell and how does it work?

First, the MicroCell needs to be connected to a broadband landline internet service to work. In short, it coverts your Wi-Fi signal to cellular signal. This means you already have to pay for some kind of landline internet like Comcast Xfinity, AT Uverse, Verizon Fios, etc.

Which carriers have approved microcell boosters?

Please note, the four largest carriers, namely, AT, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint, and more than 90 regional carriers have given a blanket consent to all boosters meeting the new certification standards. . . . . This AT Microcell is built by Cisco Systems, a leader in cellular network technology.

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