How many calories are in wonton soup with noodles?

How many calories are in wonton soup with noodles?

* Calories from alcohol is an estimate, and may include artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. How long would it take to burn off 630 KCal?…Region: US.

Serving Ingredient Calories
1.71 cups chicken broth 26
7.71 wonton 311

How many carbs are in a cup of wonton soup?

Wonton soup, with pork (1 cup) contains 33.5g total carbs, 31.5g net carbs, 3.9g fat, 13.4g protein, and 227 calories.

Is wonton noodle soup fattening?

Healthy tip: This dish is a good option as it is low in energy, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fibre. However, it is very high in sodium, providing more than 3/4 of an adult’s daily sodium allowance. To reduce the sodium intake, refrain from drinking up the soup.

How many carbs are in wonton noodles?

Wonton Noodles (0.5 meal) contains 79g total carbs, 71g net carbs, 23g fat, 18g protein, and 610 calories.

Is wonton soup a carb?

Benefit #2: Wonton Soup is Carb-Heavy Each dumpling can pack 2.7 grams of carbohydrates, making it an excellent and toothsome dish to eat to boost your energy for the day. It can power you up and equip you to handle various activities, from plowing through your workout routine or crunching through numbers at work.

Does wonton soup have carbs?

Wor Wonton Soup (1 serving) contains 14g total carbs, 13g net carbs, 4g fat, 9g protein, and 120 calories.

Is wonton soup healthy?

Wonton soup can be a viable source of protein — with 19 grams of protein — and good source of vitamins A and C. It contains 70 percent Daily Value (DV) of vitamin A and 120 percent vitamin C. Wonton soup without noodles is slightly less caloric, says Healthy Families BC, with 260 calories per 728-gram serving.

How many calories are in a wonton?

Fried wonton, without filling (3 each) contains 22.6g total carbs, 21.7g net carbs, 5g fat, 5.1g protein, and 159 calories.

How many calories are in egg noodles?

Egg noodles contain a good amount of calories per serving, with approximately 221 calories in each cooked cup (160 grams) ( 1 ). This is slightly higher than other types of pasta like penne, which contains around 168 calories per cup (107 grams) ( 2 ).

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