Is retrofitting required?
If you are a building owner in a moderate to high seismic area, you may have received an order from your local municipality that your building is potentially vulnerable, needs to be evaluated by a structural engineer, and may require a seismic retrofit.
What is retrofitting of concrete structures?
Retrofitting is the Science and Technology of strengthening the existing structures or structural elements to enhance their performance with new technology, features and components. Retrofitting of an existing reinforced concrete structure includes either repair, rehabilitation (or) strengthening terms.
What are the principles of retrofitting?
The principles of retrofitting design for buildings are: 1. Strengthening of members versus strengthening of structural system. The members that do not meet safety requirements must be strengthened, however there is often an underlying mistake that the strengthening of whole structural system is neglected.
How do you know if a building is retrofitted?
Using the Department of Building and Safety website, you can easily check to see if your building is on that list. Just enter your address into the search tool and click on the “Soft-story Retrofit Program Information” button once your building’s information appears.
What is a retrofitting inspection?
When contractors, inspectors or real estate agents refer to retrofitting, they mean altering some part of the building or system from its original condition to meet current building requirements.
What are the disadvantages of retrofitting?
Disadvantages of Retrofitting
- Small irresponsibility can cause further damage.
- Chances are that it can damage historical buildings.
- Need critical and expert analysis before Retrofitting.
- Requires expert analysis before proceeding to retrofit.
- High risk of causing damage to Heritage Sites.
When should you retrofit structure?
Retrofitting reduces the vulnerability of damage of an existing structure during a near future seismic activity. Based on the severity of the damage and required capacity to be regained, a proper retrofitting technique is specified and implemented.
For what purpose is retrofitting done?
The main goal of Retrofitting is to help stabilize the current structure of buildings and making them earthquake resistant.
Is code for retrofitting?
1.1 This standard covers the selection of materials and techniques to be used for repair and seismic strengthening of damaged buildings during earthquakes. It also covers the damageability assessment and retrofitting for upgrading of seismic resistance of existing masonry buildings covered under IS 4326 and IS 13828.
What are the modern techniques of retrofitting?
Many options for retrofitting a structure are possible; the ones which are used traditionally for a long time now such as Addition Of New Shear Walls, Addition Of Infill Walls, Addition Of Wing (Side) Walls, Addition Of Buttresses, Jacketing Of Reinforced Concrete Members, Propping up, Sleeving, Steel collars, Casing.
How to retrofit structural members in construction?
There are several techniques which are used to retrofit structural members such as section enlargement, external plate bonding, external post-tensioning, grouting, and fibre reinforced polymer composites. Based on the severity of the damage and required capacity to be regained, a proper retrofitting technique is specified and implemented.
What are the objectives of retrofitting a building?
5. Objectives of retrofitting ■ Increasing the lateral strength in one or both directions, by reinforcement or by increasing wall areas or the number of walls and columns. ■ Giving unity to the structure by providing a proper connection between its resisting elements.
How do you make a retrofit plan?
Environmental aspects. Specify the performance requirement for the structural member that needs to be retrofitted. Then, set an overall plan from inspection phase to retrofitting method selection, the design of retrofitting structure, and execution of retrofitting work.
What are the problems faced in concrete structure?
Problem faced in concrete structure ■ Damage to structural members. ■ Excessive loading. ■ Errors in design or construction. ■ Modification of structural system. ■ Seismic damage. ■ Structural cracks. ■ Corrosion due to penetration- honey combs. 4.