How do you make a bottle rocket really high?

How do you make a bottle rocket really high?


  1. Use higher pressures.
  2. Keep weight to a minimum.
  3. Increase rocket volume.
  4. Streamline the body of the rocket to reduce drag.
  5. Use a launch tube on the launcher.
  6. Use the right amount of water.
  7. Use an optimum sized nozzle.
  8. Use multiple stages.

How much water do you put in a bottle rocket?

A: The simple answer is something less than half full. Since the compressed air stores the energy, and the water provides momentum, both are needed. Fill perhaps 40-50% of the motor volume with water. We call this the Load Fraction.

How does the amount of water affect a bottle rocket?

Adding a small amount of water to the bottle increases the action force. The water expels from the bottle before the air does, turning the bottle rocket into a bigger version of a water rocket toy (available in toy stores).

What is the best amount of fins for a bottle rocket?

Three fins
Three fins are best when designing a high performance, low drag rocket. This allows interference drag (drag caused by interference of the airflow over the body and fins at the junction) to be reduced by 25 percent.

How much should a bottle rocket weigh?

Cone Weight (.3 – 15 .oz) When properly weighted, the rocket’s nose section will actually pull the rest of the rocket behind it. However, too much weight will slow its performance, just as too little weight will cause the rocket to spin around its center of gravity. Valid cone weight ranges are . 3 – 15 ounces.

How much water should be in a 2 liter bottle rocket?

Since water doesn’t compress, water will act as a ballast for the soda bottle and reduce the amount of area inside the bottle to be pressurized (which means less pumping). I suggest filling about 10% with water, although, you can experiment and find what you think works best for your rocket.

How much force does a bottle rocket have?

The bottle rocket should be pumped no higher than about 50 pounds of pressure per square inch. When pressurization is complete, everyone should stand in back of the rope for the countdown.

How do you make a bottle rocket?

Fill the empty bottle about halfway with vinegar. Add 3 tablespoons of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda onto a small square of paper towel. Roll the paper towel tightly enough to fit inside bottle, and so that no baking soda can spill out. Place paper towel full of baking soda inside bottle and plug with cork.

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