What race is Yarael poof?

What race is Yarael poof?

Yarael Poof was a male Quermian who stood at 2.64 meters tall and had pasty white skin and red eyes. Like other members of his species, Poof possessed two sets of arms and two brains, one in his head and the other in his chest.

What lightsaber form did Yarael poof use?

Usage and history A long-handled lightsaber was constructed by the Quermian Jedi Master Yarael Poof. Poof built this lightsaber, which he powered using a yellow crystal. Later in his life, he would use a sapphire crystal to power it.

Who is the Kaminoan Jedi?

Kina Ha
Kina Ha was a female Kaminoan Jedi Master trained during the era of peace known as the Republic Classic era. A wizened and distant Jedi, she allied herself with the Jedi Code, more than the Jedi Order, remaining reclusive and rarely appearing at the Jedi Temple.

Who is Yarael Poof in Star Wars?

Originally from the Outer Rim world of Quermia, the male Quermian Yarael Poof was a revered Jedi Master who, by the year 232 BBY, had become a member of the Jedi High Council, the ruling body of the Jedi Order.

Who is the most senior Jedi in Star Wars?

Out of the four Quermian Jedi enrolled in the Order at the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Poof was the most senior. Master Yarael Poof aids in the defense of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the Yinchorri Uprising.

Who is Yarael Poof in the Mandalorian?

―Master Poof lectures on his abilities to bend the perceptions of others. [src] Yarael Poof was a male Quermian Jedi Master and revered member of the Jedi High Council in the years leading up to the Clone Wars.

How did Jedi Poof become a Jedi Knight?

After years of study, the young Poof passed the Trials of Knighthood and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Studying the way of the Jedi Consular, Jedi Poof honed his preternatural skills with the Force, perfecting the art of Affect Mind.

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