What is 2gether (2GT)?

What is 2gether (2GT)?

The 2GT is 2gether’s native token and the engine of the platform, the center of its collaborative model. By acquiring at least €10 in 2GT, you will participate in the funding of the project as a Founder and you’ll enjoy the following perks. Download the 2gether app and join thousands of people who believe in an honest economy without added fees.

Will there be a 2gether 2 movie?

The success of the series then led to a 5-episode special sequel titled Still 2gether, which aired on 14 August 2020, followed by a film titled 2gether: The Movie, which will be released theatrically on 22 April 2021. It is also available for streaming on Netflix in some regions.

Where can I watch 2gether?

2gether: The Series is available for streaming on Netflix since 30 July 2020. [9] [10] Taiwan – The series premiered on Taiwan’s LINE TV on 18 June 2020 with Mandarin subtitles.

What is the complete edition of 2gether?

The movie combining 2gether The Series and Still 2gether, creating a “Complete Edition.” This version presents more of Sarawat’s point of view in more scenes, such as the story behind their first meeting and why he said “Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you ’til you drop!”

What is the return type of Select2() method?

Calling select2 (‘data’) will return a JavaScript array of objects representing the current selection. Each object will contain all of the properties/values that were in the source data objects passed through processResults and templateResult callbacks.

What is selectselect2 and how do I use it?

Select2 can be used to quickly set up fields used for tagging. Note that when tagging is enabled the user can select from pre-existing tags or create a new tag by picking the first choice which is what the user has typed into the search box so far.

How do I use Select2 with custom data loading?

In order to take advantage of custom data loading Select2 should be attached to an input type=’hidden’ tag, otherwise data is parsed from select ‘s option tags. Select2 allows the developer to limit the number of items that can be selected in a multi-select control.

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