What is HDSDR?

What is HDSDR?

HDSDR is a freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) program for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. Typical applications are Radio listening, Ham Radio, SWL, Radio Astronomy, NDB-hunting and Spectrum analysis. HDSDR (former WinradHD) is an advanced version of Winrad, written by Alberto di Bene (I2PHD).

How do I set up Hdsdr?

Set up your Rig

  1. Load HDSDR but do not “Start” it yet.
  2. Connect the “Line In” jack on the RX to the “Line In” input jack of your PC’s (or external USB) soundcard.
  3. Verify that your soundcard’s “Line In” is enabled.
  4. Connect a 50 ohm antenna to your Rig’s antenna connector.

What is ExtIO?

ExtIO stands for External IO, and is a special DLL file that allows HDSDR and other software to access hardware like the HackRF. To use it, simply copy the HackRF ExtIO dll file into the HDSDR directory, and select it when opening HDSDR. The module currently supports 2, 4, 8, 10, 12.5, 16 and 20 MSPS sample rates.

What is Linrad?

Linrad is an SDR GUI receiver software with a tough learning curve, but very advanced features. In the tutorial Leif uses an RTL-SDR dongle to receive a weak beacon at 144.412 MHz.

What is OmniRig?

OmniRig is a freeware CAT control engine used in over 50 applications. All programs that support OmniRig can access the radio simultaneously. Some Ham Cockpit plugins, such as Conventional Receiver, use this engine. If you install one of those plugins, make sure that you have the latest version of OmniRig.

What is SDRuno extio?

SDRuno is the official software of the SDRplay line of products and can be freely downloaded from the SDRplay website. The EXTIO edition allows other non-SDRplay SDR units to freely be used with SDRuno.

Does SDRuno work with RTL SDR?

SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP line of receivers, and the beta can be downloaded from their website (note the plugin will not work for the RTL-SDR).

What is the output sampling rate of the hdsdr bandwidth button?

The HDSDR bandwidthbutton controls output sampling rate. The default setting is 12,000Hz. For WFM (wide band FM) you need to move this to 192000Hz R2v4.0 Copyright © 2015 SDRPlay Limited 13

What is the hdhdsdr receiver?

HDSDR is a free general purpose SDR receiver, similar in nature to other programs like SDR# and SDR-Console. It was one of the first programs to work with the RTL-SDR dongle and despite a lack of recent updates is still a very solid piece of software.

How to use hdsdr with the sdrplay module?

Using HDSDR with the SDRplay Module To configure SDR play specific settings click the ExtIO interface button on the main HDSDR display. The EXTIO controller dialog gives an overview of the SDRplay receiver architecture coupled with the different parameters that can be configured.

How do I run hdsdr as an administrator?

After the download is complete you will need to locate the HDSDR installer in your download directory which is usually (C:Users*YOUR USER NAME*Downloads). After locating the installer, you want to right click (not the default left click) on the HDSDR_installer.exe and select Run as administrator.

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