How to edit the textboxes in the GridView?
Click on “Edit the GridView”, it will display Textboxes in each cell as in the following image: Edit the value(s) here and click on the Update link, it will update all the data or to remove it click on the “Delete” link above the image shown.
How to edit employee details in a particular row in GridView?
GridView Edit (Update) Row. To edit data in a particular row, add AutoGenerateEditButton and set DataKeyNames=”EmpID” to the GridView control. The DataKeyNames field will be used in the SQL query to edit the employee details. This will add an Edit link button at the beginning of all the rows in the GridView.
How do I delete a row in a GridView column?
Delete a GridView Row with a Confirmation. In the Column section of the GridView we will add control, which will have a client script (Confirm). It will show a popup confirmation message and allows the user to either go with the delete command or negate it.
How to delete a record from the database in GridView?
When the Delete Button is clicked, the GridView’s OnRowDeleting event handler is triggered. CustomerId which is the primary key is fetched from the DataKey property of GridView and is passed to the SQL Query for deletion of the record from the database.
How do I refresh a specific row in a datagridview?
I use the DataGridView’s Invalidate () function. However, that will refresh the entire DataGridView. If you want to refresh a particular row, you use dgv.InvalidateRow (rowIndex). If you want to refresh a particular cell, you can use dgv.InvalidateCell (columnIndex, rowIndex).
How to update a row in GridView when in edit mode?
When a GridView row is in edit mode then we can update the row’s record in the relational database table. So we need to create a Stored Procedure on which we pass all parameters that are updateable along with the primary key value, in other words the row data’s key value that is being updated.
What does editindex=-1 mean in GridView?
The EditIndex property of a GridView determines the index of a row in edit mode. EditIndex=-1 means that no row is in edit mode. 3. Update record and get updated state of the GridView.