How do I change my default shell to iTerm2 bash?

How do I change my default shell to iTerm2 bash?

1 Answer. If your default system is zsh, your Terminal should start with it. To configure iTerm2 with bash you have to open Preferences and change the COMMAND on General tab on your default profile. You have to enter /bin/bash or whatever shell you want.

Is iTerm2 zsh?

iTerm2 is a terminal emulator meant to be a replacement for macOS terminal and is far more feature rich. It’s the terminal program providing you with a command line interface. ZSH is a specific shell, as is bash, the same way linux is a specific operating system.

Is zsh installed by default?

Once installed, you can set zsh as the default shell using: chsh -s $(which zsh) . After issuing this command, you’ll need to log out, then log back in again for the changes to take effect. If at any point you decide you don’t like zsh, you can revert to Bash using: chsh -s $(which bash) .

Which shell does iTerm2 use?

iTerm2 links in libssh2, and does not shell out to scp. It respects /etc/known_hosts and ~/. ssh/known_hosts, and will update the latter file appropriately. Host fingerprints are verified.

How do I make zsh my default shell Mac?

From System Preferences Hold the Ctrl key, click your user account’s name in the left pane, and select “Advanced Options.” Click the “Login Shell” dropdown box and select “/bin/bash” to use Bash as your default shell or “/bin/zsh” to use Zsh as your default shell. Click “OK” to save your changes.

Why did macOS switch to zsh?

Newer versions of Bash are licensed under the GPLv3 (GNU General Public License version 3) which says you can’t use it on a system that blocks 3rd party software installation. That’s the reason why macOS stuck with 3.2.

Does iTerm2 support M1 Mac?

The ultimate Mac M1 Terminal (iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + zsh-syntax-highlighting ) iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. It works on Macs with macOS 10.14 or newer. iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age with features you never knew you always wanted.

How do I get iTerm2 on my Mac?

Installing iTerm on a Mac

  1. You can download iTerm from by clicking the big download button at the bottom of the homepage.
  2. Once you’ve done that, unzip that file and drag and drop the “iTerm” application into your “Applications” folder for permanent storage.

Is zsh default on Mac?

Every new Mac uses the Z shell (Zsh) by default, but you can quickly and easily switch the default shell back to Bash. There are several reasons you might want to do this. For example, you may need to be using the bash shell to execute bash scripts on a Mac.

How do I set up iTerm2 on Mac?

Download and install iTerm2. In Finder, drag and drop the iTerm Application file into the Applications folder. You can now launch iTerm, through the Launchpad for instance. Let’s just quickly change some preferences.

How do I set zsh as default on Mac?

How do I change my default shell on Mac?

You can change the default shell that new Terminal windows and tabs open with. In the Terminal app on your Mac, choose Terminal > Preferences, then click General. Under “Shells open with,” select “Command (complete path),” then enter the path to the shell you want to use.

How do I install Oh-My-Zsh on iTerm2?

Download and open iTerm2and change the default shell to Zsh: chsh -s /bin/zsh Install oh-my-zsh (you gotta trust that script so make sure you want to do that): curl -L | sh Done, that’s it. Open a new iTerm2 window and `cd` into a directory with a git repository.

How to install iTerm2 on Mac OS X?

Install iTerm2 For customising and installing themes we’ll require a better terminal than default one on mac. Download and install it from the here. 5. Set zsh as the default terminal environment a. Go to iTerm2 preferences. b. Head to Profiles -> General. c. Paste /usr/local/bin/zsh in the Command textbox and restart iTerm2. 6. Install themes

How do I install Zsh in Ubuntu terminal?

To install Zsh, open iTerm2 and run $ brew install zsh To update Zsh as default shell open /etc/shells file and add a new line with /usr/local/bin/zsh, save, and close. To change the default shell, run: chsh -s $ (which zsh).

Why can’t I change the $shell in iTERM?

You real problem isn’t to change the $SHELL, but your real default shell in iTerm. The variable is built at login shell from the default shell used by iTerm. – dan Aug 7 at 9:08

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