How to make Burp cloths?

How to make Burp cloths?

Cut the fat quarter in half. You can do this in either direction,so long as you have two rectangles of fabric (enough fabric for two separate burp

  • Cut one piece of waffle knit or terry cloth fabric the same dimensions as the fabric rectangle.
  • Place the waffle or terry fabric rectangle right sides together with one of the fat quarter rectangles of fabric matching up all side edges.
  • Clip the corner edges away for smooth pressing in the next step.
  • Turn burp cloth right side out,push out the side edges with your finger,and then use an iron to press.
  • Turn the raw open edge inside of the burp cloth and press. Pin closed and sew to secure.
  • Use a decorative or zigzag stitch to edge stitch around all four sides of the burp cloth.
  • Repeat with the other half of the fat quarter fabric to make more. It is super easy,and the perfect gift to make for baby.
  • How to make a baby burp cloth?

    Supplies Needed to Make Baby Burp Cloths

  • Choose your Fabric. Start with the best part,choosing adorable snuggle flannel for the project!
  • Cut the Fabric. Match up right sides facing one another so the “wrong” side of the fabric is facing you.
  • Sew your Burp Cloths.
  • Finish off your Burp Cloths.
  • How do you make a diaper burp cloth?

    Making a Simple Burp Cloth Get some pre-folded cloth diapers and patterned, cotton fabric. Wash, dry, and iron the diapers and fabric. Pin the diaper to the right side of the fabric. Sew along the edges of the diaper using a ¼-inch (0.64-centimeter) seam allowance. Clip the corners, then turn the fabric inside out.

    What is a burp cloth?

    English-Ireland (top end) Term: burp cloth. Your definition or explanation: See spit blanket. Example: Designed for maximum coverage, the burp cloth is extra large (great for Dad’s shoulder) and has a curved shape that allows it to fit closer to the neck area.

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