What are the IR verb endings in Spanish?

What are the IR verb endings in Spanish?

Spanish Present Tense: -ar, -er and -ir verbs

Subject -IR verb endings
tú (you) -es
él/ella (he / she) -e
nosotros/as (we) -imos
vosotros/as (you all) -ís

What is the IR verb chart in Spanish?

Ir conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Preterite
yo voy fui
vas fuiste
él, ella, Usted va fue
nosotros vamos fuimos

What is the yo ending for an IR verb?

If the subject is I (yo), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -o. yo vivo (vivir – ir + o = vivo) I live, I am living, I do live. If the subject is you – informal (tú), conjugate by dropping the ending and adding -es (for -ir verbs).

What are some regular IR verbs?

Here are just a few of the most common regular – ir verbs:

  • Abolir > to abolish.
  • Agir > to act.
  • Avertir > to warn.
  • Bâtir > to build.
  • Choisir > to choose.
  • établir > to establish.
  • étourdir > to stun, deafen, make dizzy.
  • Finir > to finish.

What is the ustedes ending for ER and IR verbs?

If the subject is you-all – informal (vosotros/vosotras), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -áis, -éis, or ís. If the subject is they (ellos/ellas) or you-all – formal (ustedes), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -an (-ar verbs) or -en (-er and -ir verbs).

How do you use IR infinitive verbs?

The near future formula is: Ir (conjugated) + a + infinitive. The verb ir is conjugated to agree with the subject. The a is ‘to. ‘ And, the meat of what you want to say is the infinitive verb, such as caminar, comer or nadar.

How do you conjugate IR verbs?

To conjugate these verbs, drop the -ir from the infinitive and add the second conjugation present tense endings: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent. The singular and plural forms of the third person are clearly distinguishable (finit vs. finissent).

Is ir a future tense?

2 Forming the future tense To form the future tense of regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs, add the following endings to the infinitive of the verb: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án.

What are the Spanish verbs for IR?

The Verb “IR”. The verb “ir” in Spanish means “to go”. It is generally used to talk about where a person is going and what a person is going to do. Below you see from the conjugation chart that this is a highly irregular verb.

How to conjugate ir verbs in Spanish?

First, decide your tense. Every tense in Spanish has a different set of endings.

  • Next, remove the infinitive ending ( -ir ).
  • Lastly, add the ending that matches the subject of the sentence.
  • What are the tenses of Spanish verbs?

    Spanish verbs are conjugated in four modes: indicative (indicativo), subjunctive (subjuntivo), conditional (condicional) and imperative (imperativo). All these modes have one or more tenses and compound tenses. Read on if you want to know more about in which cases to use these modes and tenses.

    How do you conjugate the verb ir in Spanish?

    To conjugate -ir verbs in Spanish, all you do is remove the -ir from the end and replace it with the right letters. The new ending you choose conveys the tense (past, present, future), the mood (indicative, subjunctive, imperative), and who’s doing the action.

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