Do PTF clerks get Sunday premium?

Do PTF clerks get Sunday premium?

Sunday premium—PTFs are eligible for the Sunday premium provided for in Article 8.6 on page 22. This premium is an extra 25 percent of the base hourly straight-time rate and is paid for all work up to eight hours on Sunday. Holidays—PTFs do not receive holiday pay as such.

How much does a USPS PTF clerk make?

The typical US Postal Service PTF Clerk salary is $23 per hour. PTF Clerk salaries at US Postal Service can range from $13 – $33 per hour.

What is a PTF clerk USPS?

A. PTFs are career carriers who are a part of the regular work force and have flexible work hours rather than a fixed sched- ule. While PTFs have no weekly work-hour guarantees, they maintain the daily work-hour guarantees that apply to CCAs.

How much does a NTFT make?

US Postal Service Salary FAQs The salary trajectory of a NTFT Clerk ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at $35,839 per year and goes up to $53,914 per year for the highest level of seniority.

Can a PTF buy back military time?

Veterans who served on active duty and received an honorable discharge are permitted to request a “buy back” of their time in service. Doing so not only adds time to an employee’s years of civilian service with the government, but also increases their retirement annuity.

Do postal workers work at night?

Yes. Shifts starting as early as 4:00 am to 8:00 am. There are also evening and night shifts.

Can a PTF bump a CCA?

Bumping—CCAs can be “bumped” from a hold-down to provide a PTF employee assigned to the same location with 40 hours of straight time work to which they are entitled un- der Article 7.1. C of the National Agreement.

Can NTFT work overtime?

Employees in NTFT duty assignments will be eligible to sign the Overtime Desired List(s). These NTFT employees will receive postal overtime for work performed beyond eight (8) hours on any day where their normal schedule is eight (8) hours or less.

Is an advance schedule required for part-time flexible clerk craft employees?

No. The posting of an advance schedule for part-time flexible clerk craft employees is not required, unless by mutual agreement at the local level. Conversely, there is no contractual requirement or intention that obligates part-time flexible employees to remain at home or to call the post office to determine whether their services are needed.

Does the part-time flexible clerk count hours worked in the office?

Yes, the part-time flexible clerk�s hours are counted in the office where the work is performed. For the purposes of conversion under the Full-Time Flexible Memorandum, only the hours worked in the home office by the individual part-time flexible clerk count. It depends on the circumstances.

What is the flexible clerk craft Workforce Agreement?

This agreement covers, but is not limited to, part-time flexible clerk craft employees who are required, as a condition of employment, to work in installations other than their home office (national case Q90C-4Q-C 93034651).

Can a clerk craft employee work in a specific work location?

Yes, however, overtime work in a specific work location must first be assigned to qualified and available clerk craft employees on the overtime desired list in that work location, as defined under Article 8, Section 5 of the National Agreement and, when applicable, the Local Memorandum of Understanding.

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